
The Book and Key Society: April 4th, 1918

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

This article is a part of my series Last Century Today. The following are the minutes from the Book and Key Society, from last century, yesterday.

The Temple April, 4, 1918

Regular Meeting of Book & Key Society called to order by Senior Praeces Cornog on the above date of Key’s Time. The minutes of the preceding meeting read and approved.

Senior Blau urged cooperation of the Seniors in the initiation next Thursday night. Senior Ewell brought up the question of Booster Batteries and a discussion of merits followed. Senior Boughton brought up the question of several departments of college and their weaknesses. Senior Rielly promises to interview the President of the college.

Senior Cornog complained of the condition of the athletic field and urged that action be taken to make necessary improvement. Senior Donnelly asks that the several fraternities bring up the question of a scholarship cup in their meeting and that they be urged to get an Interfraternity cup.

The Absence System came up for the usual criticism and the two dollar rule for re-examination was severely condemned.

One of the fraternities on the hill was criticized for having its men leave the lecture hall early on Wednesday last, and disturbing the speaker by so doing.

The following Juniors were successfully tapped this evening: Edward C. Carris, Andrew R. Pearson, Charles M. Howell, Allen H. Pierce, Andrew S. Simpson, Edwin T. Gowdy, Judson T. Ballard.


Fred S. Donnelly


Keton Kakkar ’20

Keton entered Swarthmore with the class of 2019 and graduated with the class of 2020. He double majored in English literature and computer science and was awarded Honors at commencement. A former editor of this newspaper, he was responsible for merging The Daily Gazette with The Phoenix, among other initiatives. He grew up in Sands Point, New York, completed the last two years of his secondary schooling at Phillips Academy in Andover Massachusetts, and is a member of the class of 2025 at the NYU School of Law.

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