February 2018 - Page 5

Will this be another historic season for men’s basketball?

The Swarthmore men’s basketball team has had a strong and exciting year so far that will hopefully end in yet another Centennial Conference Championship and the chance to compete in the NCAA National Championship Tournament. Their current 18-3 conference record has them
February 15, 2018

Being okay

The other night my friend was consoling me after a stressful, frustrating week. Like tango and conspiring, it takes at least two people for consolation to come about. After my friend listened to my troubles and expressed sympathy, I noted that despite
February 15, 2018

Phi Psi reopens, changes policies amid concerns

On Feb. 3, Phi Psi fraternity hosted an open party for the first time since their suspension in November 2016. The fraternity’s new leadership has tightened their policies, initiated a new emergency protocol and also plans to allow student-run groups to co-host
February 15, 2018

Making Black Magic

For the past two weeks, the Frear Ensemble Theater has undergone curious transformations. The seemingly ordinary black box theater became a vehicle hurtling through time and space, transporting audiences to sugar cane fields, cotton fields, and communes; to mystical destinations of unreality;
February 15, 2018

Profiles in Art: Olivia Smith

One of the first things that is easily noticed upon arrival at Swarthmore is the incredible amount of art that students create every day, which often goes unnoticed. From my own experience, for people from smaller, more rural areas, the exposure to
February 15, 2018

Dear fellow first-years, you are not alone

Have you ever felt introducing yourself to new friends this semester is more awkward than it was last semester? Have you ever crossed list after list of activities you find unappealing? Have you ever forced yourself to remain in a club, organization,
February 15, 2018

“F*** You,”Brockhampton at the Theatre of Living Arts

Brockhampton, a Los Angeles collective of artists and designers, performed two shows for their Love Your Parents Tour at the Theatre of Living Arts in Philadelphia on Jan 30 and 31. The crowd was made up of mostly teens and twenty-somethings, sporting
February 15, 2018

Being smart while female

In the last four or so weeks of classes, I have counted three separate instances of a female academic author being referred to as “he” in my courses. Jennifer Sessions, Alison K. Smith and Judith T. Irvine, your work was so riveting
February 15, 2018

Black History Month: necessary but not enough

Since 1976, every U.S. president has designated February as Black History Month. In February,  the struggles and successes of the black community are highlighted and recognized nationally. In February, we lift up the voices and stories of members of our community who
February 15, 2018
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