The Swatter: January 1, 2018 – January 8, 2018

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

Fire Alarm
Date: Thursday, January 04, 2018
Time: 06:32 AM
Location: Sharples Dining Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to Sharples Dining Hall for an activated fire alarm. There was no smoke or fire. The area was checked but the cause of the alarm could not be determined. Facilities was notified.
Status: Closed

Dorm Room Smoke Detector Alarm
Date: Friday, January 05, 2018
Time: 01:53 AM
Location: Pittenger Residence Hall
Synopsis: While on patrol, Public Safety heard a smoke detector alarm sounding in Pittenger Residence Hall. There was no smoke or fire, and it was determined that the detector had malfunctioned. Facilities was notified.
Status: Closed

Medical Response
Date: Friday, January 05, 2018
Time: 04:26 PM
Location: Benjamin West House
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report of an injury to a visitor on campus. The individual was transported by Public Safety for further medical evaluation and treatment.
Status: Closed

Intrusion Alarm
Date: Friday, January 05, 2018
Time: 04:46 PM
Location: Swarthmore Friends Meetinghouse
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to the Friends Meetinghouse for an activated alarm. It was determined that the alarm was malfunctioning. Facilities was notified.
Status: Closed

Intrusion Alarm
Date: Sunday, January 08, 2018
Time: 03:37 AM
Location: Title IX House
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to an intrusion alarm. Upon arrival, the area was checked with negative results. There was no cause for alarm. Facilities was notified.
Status: Inactive

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