April 2017 - Page 6

on behalf of Sexual Health Advocates

Jordan Reyes ’19, a Sexual Health Advocate (SHA) who works for the admissions office, was informed by Vice President and Dean of Admissions Jim Bock ’90 on Monday that he could either stop wearing his “I <3 Female Orgasm” t-shirt while working
April 20, 2017

2017 MLB Preview Part II

After two weeks of baseball, it is tempting to immediately jump to conclusions about how well teams are going to do this season. However, as anyone who has taken a statistics class could tell you, conclusions based on small sample sizes are
April 20, 2017

Athlete of the Week: Wesley Fishburn ’17

Last week, Fishburn, the team’s third baseman, showed why he is regarded as one of the best players in the Conference. In four games, the La Jolla, Calif., native went 10-14 (.714) with 6 runs scored, 4 RBIs, a homerun and a
April 20, 2017

Bo-Taoshi: Human Capture the Flag

The Japanese sport Bo-Taoshi, which translates to “bring pole down,” may be the most outlandish sport ever created, and although it may seem laughable to outsiders, it is a very serious and potentially dangerous competition. The sport can be dated back to
April 20, 2017

Gallery-Hopping in Old City

For this week’s piece, I tried venturing outside my regular streak of museum exhibitions and visited a few galleries on North Second Street in Old City. Maybe you already know about this Philadelphia neighborhood, a lively trove of art, food, and history,
April 20, 2017

The modernization of the pitcher

One day in the summer of 2015, I found myself on a seemingly endless three hour drive from my home in Washington, DC to Atlantic City, MD. The old pitching hermit my dad said we were meeting to work with awaited at
April 20, 2017

Summer Housing, Hot Mess

As the semester begins to wrap up, students are swamped with a variety of emotions. Some seniors are feeling nostalgic toward leaving Swarthmore, yet excited for what lies ahead. Other students are drowning in final papers but relieved that this semester is
April 20, 2017

Voices of Healing

“I had that feeling you get —there is no word for this feeling— when you are simultaneously happy and sad and angry and grateful and accepting and appalled and every other possible emotion, all smashed together and amplified. Why is there no
April 20, 2017

Letter to the Editor: Why Teach for America

Shawn Sheehan is a career teacher from Oklahoma who cares about her students, but simply can no longer put her heart and soul into teaching without a living wage. Her dilemma is one felt and lived by many teachers in Oklahoma, the
April 20, 2017
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