April 2017 - Page 3

Amazing Talent at the Playwright’s Festival

Last weekend Swarthmore’s Drama Board put on a Playwrights festival in Olde Club. This event featured five plays and writers, six directors, 22 different actors, and also the help of many other students. Walking into Olde Club, one could notice the cozy
April 27, 2017

Swarthmore treats admitted students like royalty

In desperate hopes to lure admitted prospective students into matriculating to Swarthmore, the administration sent out strict orders to the students, faculty, and staff—especially the dining staff—prior to Swatstruck, instructing them to show their best performance and be on their best behavior.
April 27, 2017

Immature Speculations

This is a poorly researched, ill-structured, half-baked attempt to answer a question I do not know. It is uncertain this attempt should even have been undertaken, and it is unclear this description is accurate. In the face of such uncertainties, I can
April 27, 2017

2017 MLB Preview: Part 3

Welcome to the third and final installment of the Swarthmore Phoenix 2017 MLB Season preview. With three articles devoted to the story, the MLB season preview has become the second-most covered topic by our newspaper, coming in just behind the endless coverage
April 27, 2017

What Happens Afterwards

CW: Sexual Violence I remember the first time it happened like it was yesterday. It was my first relationship here at Swarthmore. He was drunk, as was I. He wanted to do sexual things with me, but I was hesitant. We had
April 27, 2017

Swat Sports: The 2016-17 Year In Review

Although Swarthmore College may be primarily known for its academic prowess, that doesn’t necessarily mean the College’s athletic program can’t be successful either. Over the course of the 2016-2017 school year, Swarthmore athletes were able to accomplish some pretty incredible things. Men’s
April 27, 2017

Being a low-income student at Swarthmore

College had always been part of my life plan. My parents were working-class high school graduates. I was the oldest of four and a straight-A student with a love of science and an intense drive to get a college degree. For my
April 27, 2017

A beginner’s guide to the NBA Playoffs

Did you miss most of the first round playoff games because you were scrambling to finish all of your projects/papers before classes end? Were you not paying attention to the regular season but now that classes are ending, you want to watch
April 27, 2017
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