November 2016 - Page 3

Women, where do we go from here?

As I paced between rooms on the third floor of Trotter, I sensed the rising tide of uncertainty. The New York Times had just altered their forecast; only an hour ago, Secretary Clinton had a 93 percent chance of victory, but over
November 17, 2016

For some, the “Ultimate” game

Perhaps the mostly cleverly named teams here at Swarthmore are our Ultimate teams. Both teams use an anagram of our college’s name. The women’s team is called the Warmothers, which is pretty badass, and the men’s team calls themselves the Earthworms, perhaps
November 17, 2016

Kicking and screaming, but with a purpose

The Women’s Soccer team wrapped up the 2016 season with a 15-4 overall record and a 7-2 record in Centennial Conference play. Although the Garnet fell short in the NCAA tournament, their season as a whole wasn’t short of successes.    
November 17, 2016

Women’s Volleyball claims second consecutive ECAC title

Returning as veterans of ECAC postseason competition, the Women’s Volleyball team knew what hard work lay ahead in order to repeat their championship win. After a crushing 3-2 loss to Johns Hopkins University in the Centennial Conference championship tournament, the Garnet focused
November 17, 2016

List Offers New “Reflections” on Painting

On Thursday, Nov. 3, the List Gallery opened a newly mounted exhibit of works by American figurative painter Lois Dodd. Dodd, this year’s Donald J. Gordon Visiting Artist, also delivered an artist’s talk that evening to a full auditorium in LPAC cinema.
November 17, 2016
Grapevine performs a Disney medleyPhoto by Abigail Starr '13

College moves to make changes to student employment

The college is moving to make efforts to improve the student employment before the next academic year. Many students have voiced complaints that the system is fragmented and that many students who need a job as part of their financial aid are
November 17, 2016

SGO works to find answers to police presence

Police activity on campus has been an issue of salience amongst students since the beginning of the semester, as reported in a previous Phoenix article that relayed their presence. This stemmed from a notable series of incidents in which Swarthmore Borough Police
November 17, 2016

The danger of ignoring Trump’s rise

As a result of some of the comments made to me over the past few days, I am going to begin this piece with several disclaimers. First, I am a progressive who is committed to ideals that many Swarthmore students value, such
November 17, 2016

FAFSA application opens earlier for 2017 aid decisions

This year, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid for the next academic year became available in October instead of January of the beginning of the next calendar year. This allows students to file a financial aid application at the college earlier,
November 17, 2016
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