April 2016 - Page 14

The media’s obsession with Trump has to stop

Last week people were shocked at Donald Trump’s comments that women who have abortions should be punished. At an MSNBC Town Hall MSNBC reporter, Chris Hayes, pushed Trump on the issue, repeatedly asking if Trump supported a legal punishment for this. After
April 7, 2016

Dinner with Strangers program launches with first event

On March 23 President Valerie Smith introduced a new program, Dinner with Strangers, to the entire Swarthmore community. The dinner consists of twelve randomly selected people, composed of  staff, faculty, students, and alumni come together to have dinner at the president’s house.
April 7, 2016

In memoriam: where has all the Crunk gone?

As many nostalgic seniors reminisce about the good ol’ days when Pub Nite was a necessity and the DJ fund was limitless, one tradition that seems to fade into the background is possibly the craziest tradition of them all. A tradition that
April 7, 2016

Annual prank brings campus engineers together

On April 1st Swarthmore revealed its newly formed geology department, surprising most students and faculty. The geology department made its first and last formal announcement that they would be drilling for “liquid gold”, which turned out to be free coffee for the
April 7, 2016

Swatlight welcome addition to admission programs

We at the Phoenix applaud the college on the addition of a new event held during admissions season, Swatlight. The program is geared specifically towards low-income, minority, or first generation students who have been admitted to Swarthmore. While Swatstruck, the newest incarnation
April 7, 2016

A response to “Swarthmore as a college”

I begin this counter-response to Zac Arestad’s op-ed response “Swarthmore as a college” to my op-ed “Swarthmore as a nation state” with my gratitude for the time and thought Arestad put into critiquing my arguments. I would like to thank him for
April 7, 2016

What’s that smell? Nothing. It’s Lights.

Simon Bloch ’17 and Ian Grant ’17 are living together for the first time this year. While they have many activities and interests in common, their first team effort as roommates was buying their rocking chair. After an early morning trip to
April 7, 2016
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