March 2015 - Page 2

Series of changes to affect residential life

As students begin looking for roommates and planning out their housing situations for the 2015-16 academic year, some have begun to raise concerns regarding changes in the housing process and in Swarthmore residential life at large. The most public and transparent of
March 26, 2015

Athlete of the month: Liam Fitzstevens

This past Sunday, Liam Fitzstevens ’17 of the men’s swim team returned home from nationals, where he competed in three events three days in a row and returned home with two school records. Fitzstevens holds an incredible eight school records total after
March 26, 2015

Swarthmore Hillel changes name to Kehilah

The student group formerly known as Swarthmore Hillel announced via a press release on Sunday night that it had changed its name to “Kehilah” (“community” in Hebrew). The Jewish organization’s board approved the name after it emerged as the winner from an
March 26, 2015

Willingham on frats

As I read DU’s opinion piece in the Phoenix last week, I quickly turned from curiosity to confusion as the bulk of the letter veered dramatically —some would say laughably— away from what it set out to do at the beginning.  DU
March 26, 2015

Party policy limits queer life

We would like to briefly give voice to a consequence of the college’s new alcohol policy discussed in Bobby Zipp ’18’s January 22 article, “Alcohol-related hospitalizations, calls decrease.” The new alcohol policy has concentrated Swarthmore’s weekend social scene in the hands of
March 26, 2015

McKinney thoroughly analyzes anti-racist comics in lecture

On Tuesday, March 25 Mark McKinney, a professor of French at Miami University in Ohio, delivered a lecture titled “Antiracist Comics by Charlie Hebdo’s Luz” in the Scheuer Room. This talk, his second at Swarthmore, addressed the specific satirical methods used by
March 26, 2015

Admission process discriminatory, some say

A New York Times editorial published last Sunday asserted that college applications that ask about an applicant’s criminal history are unfairly prejudicial in their deterrence of qualified individuals who pose no threat to campus safety. According to the editorial, questions like the
March 26, 2015

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