
Swat Visually: Divergent Diversity

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

While in DC this weekend, I stumbled across this sign outside a coffee house:


Now, trust me, I get the sentiment that inspired this sign. Like most of you, after these past few weeks I’ve become more or less proficient in surprise ice-skating in basically any form of foot ware. However, I’m not sure how I feel about the witch-hunt-y vibe this sign has going on. True, scapegoats can theoretically make our suffering (see: this never-ending winter) a little more bearable. But I’m of the opinion that Punxsutawney Phil has little to nothing to do with our sub-freezing woes. After all, he is only a random groundhog.

But even if Phil were somehow in with the weather man, I still think we should take a more proactive approach to banishing winter. That’s why this week, Swat Visually compiled your suggestions for songs that, upon hearing, spring just won’t be able to resist. So, Swarthmore, start pumping these tunes and maybe, just maybe, the robins and April showers and allergies that will just straight up destroy you will have no choice but to boogie their way here. If nothing else, listening to this playlist is a more humane alternative to hunting down a groundhog, right?

For our next issue, Swat Visually will be looking at how students experience diversity on campus. Since this is a crucial issue that affects all of us every day, I strongly encourage you to pass this survey along to your friends. As hard as it may be to imagine, not everyone at Swat reads The DG as regularly as they should, so make sure your best buds, lab partners, and that person you always seem to be sitting sort of close to in Sharples fill out this questionnaire.

See you soon,

Swat Visually

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