November 2014 - Page 3

Dapper Dudes

I was sitting around a Sharples dinner table avoiding the 5:00pm darkness today, seeing my friends scarfing down carbs in sweatshirts. Winter is coming. And when the cold hits, one of the first things I want to abandon when relinquishing my fluffy
November 20, 2014

When time and feminists clash, everyone is ugly

Time magazine has found itself in some hot water for its annual poll of words to ban in 2015. The poll featured overused words like “basic,” “kale” and “ratchet.” Alongside those terms, though, was “feminist,” which caused a small uproar and prompted
November 20, 2014

To save Main Street, Paulson saved Wall Street

In preparation for the recent midterm elections, many news publications polled their readers for opinions on various current social and economic issues. One of the most interesting statistics that came to light this month was published by the Washington Post-ABC News poll.
November 20, 2014

All shades of brown are not the same

“I’m really attracted to Middle Eastern girls now. I was talking to a girl from Azerbaijan recently.” I stared at the screen, partially in horror and partially sighing. There were so many things wrong with this. It’s precisely statements like these which
November 20, 2014

“Mad Forest” distills 1989 Romania into anecdotes

Like a talisman, theater has that magical quality of transforming, in a mere gesture, families or friend groups into single representative images of entire civilizations, nations and colleges. Oedipus, for example, might sleep with Hamlet’s mother on stage. Hamlet’s mother might move
November 20, 2014

Divestment an empty gesture, college seeks better solutions

I write on behalf of the Swarthmore College Board of Managers to reaffirm our commitment to stem climate change through a serious, community-based approach. Further, I aim to explain the board’s position regarding divestment of the college’s endowment from fossil fuel companies.
November 20, 2014

Heating needs make reducing footprint difficult

With all of the concern about climate change, it is important that we step back to examine the college’s role in trying to achieve some level of sustainability while coming to terms with a common understanding of what sustainability means. In a
November 20, 2014
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