The Swatter: March 31-April 7

April 11, 2014
September, Swatter
The Swatter

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

Medical Emergency

Date: Monday, March 31
Time: 11:33 a.m.
Location: Parrish Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety, Swarthmore Police, Swarthmore Ambulance and Medic 102 responded to the Admissions Office within Parrish Hall for the report of a visitor in need of medical attention. The visitor was transported to hospital.
Status: Closed


Simple Assault/Not Aggravated

Date: Tuesday, April 1
Time: 4:04 a.m.
Location: Swarthmore Police Dept.
Synopsis: Swarthmore Public Safety and Swarthmore Police responded to a possible domestic incident that occurred at an off-campus location between two Swarthmore College students. The matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation



Date: Tuesday, April 1
Time: 9:42 a.m.
Location: Papazian Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to Papazian hall for the report from EVS staff of someone inside the building overnight. Upon arrival, the individuals were identified as Swarthmore students and were asked to leave.
Status: Closed



Date: Tuesday, April 1
Time: 12:37 p.m.
Location: Science Center
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to the Science Center for the report of missing items within a department. The value of the items is $31. The matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation


Exceeding Posted Speed

Date: Tuesday, April 1
Time: 7:35 p.m.
Location: Fieldhouse Lane
Synopsis: While on patrol a Public Safety officer observed an unidentified vehicle exceeding the posted speed limits and driving recklessly on campus. Upon stopping within Mertz Circle, the driver was identified as a Swarthmore resident student. The matter is being referred to the Dean’s Office.
Status: Dean’s Referral


Investigation Person(s)

Date: Wednesday, April 2
Time: 6:30 a.m.
Location: Papazian Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to Papazian Hall fro the report of an unknown individual sleeping in the building. Upon arrival, the individual was identified as a Swarthmore resident student who had fallen asleep while studying. The student was asked to return to his dorm room and left without further incident.
Status: Closed


Fire Alarm

Date: Thursday, April 3
Time: 7:25 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety and facilities responded to a fire alarm within Worth Residence Hall. Upon arrival, it was determined that a malfunction in a light ballast caused the activation. There was a burning smell but no sign of smoke or fire.
Status: Closed


Noise Complaint

Date: Friday, April 4
Time: 12:28-12:51 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to Worth Courtyard for a noise complaint. Upon arrival, the officers witnessed an unidentified male discharge a fire extinguisher. The unidentified fled the scene. The matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation


Fire Alarm/Safety Hazard

Date: Friday, April 4
Time: 12:33 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to a fire alarm within Worth Residence Hall. Upon arrival, it was determined the alarm was activated as a result of a fire extinguisher that had been discharged. There was no smoke or fire. This is related to the above report.

Status: Closed


Fire Hazard

Date: Friday, April 4
Time: 12:48 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: While on patrol, Public Safety discovered a fire hazard and a safety hazard within Worth Residence Hall. A futon, a chair, and a bed were blocking an exit. Facilities was notified
Status: Closed


Emergency Notification Test

Date: Friday, April 4
Time: 10:35 a.m.
Location: n/a
Synopsis: A test of the Informacast Public Broadcast system was conducted by Public Safety at 10:35 a.m.
Status: Closed


Forcible Fondling

Date: Saturday, April 5
Time: n/a
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report by email concerning a sexual offense that took place during the fall semester of 2013. The exact identification of both the victim and the respondent as well as the exact time, date, and location are unknown at this time. The matter is under investigation
Status: Investigation


Sexual Misconduct

Date: Saturday, April 5
Time: n/a
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Public Safety received an email from a Swarthmore resident student regarding an assault that occurred on April 4, 2014. No information was provided regarding the location, a suspect, or the specifics of the assault. The matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation


Investigation Person(s)

Date: Sunday, April 6
Time: 10:38 p.m.
Location: Magill Walk
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to Magill Walk for the report of an unknown individual sitting on a light pole. Upon arrival, the individual was identified as a Swarthmore resident student. The matter has been referred to the Dean’s Office.
Status: Dean’s Referral

Eduard Saakashvili

Eduard is a film and media studies major from Tbilisi, Georgia. He abandoned The Daily Gazette during sophomore year to focus on his career in club fencing. Big mistake.

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