March 2014 - Page 2

Leveraging institutional power

As we look back on the last 150 years of Swarthmore, we might ask: what will Swarthmore look like in 150 years? At its sesquicentennial, Swarthmore can claim a long history of envisioning a better world. Founder Lucretia Mott envisioned a world
March 27, 2014

MOOConomics and the overhaul of higher education

The rising cost and deteriorating quality of American Education has demanded the media’s spotlight numerous times in the past two decades. Despite recent optimistic reports of rising degree attainment, the United States is consistently outpaced by its first-world counterparts. Last year, the
March 27, 2014

The inequity of Swarthmore’s endowment, revisited

I have been asked specific questions as a result of my op-ed concerning intergenerational inequity and Swarthmore’s endowment spending (The Phoenix, March 20, 2014, page 2). This short note contains a bit more data and as a result illustrates the issue more
March 27, 2014

Uncovering the details of student activism

Historically, student activism has played a key role in shaping the Swarthmore of today, and must continue if student concerns and interests are to be advanced. It is the role of Student Council to support and promote student interests — and a
March 27, 2014

Pablo Villalobos’ static, indigestible new novel

Faced with the spiritually truncating demands of modernity, the twentieth-century idealist, as described by André Breton in the “First Manifesto of Surrealism,” was susceptible to complete enervation: “Menace accumulates, one yields, one abandons a part of the terrain to be conquered. That
March 27, 2014

StuCo and WSRN to share office

After conversations with the managers of WSRN, Campus Council has obtained the back room of the WSRN station on the fourth floor of Parrish to use as an office space. Use of the large WSRN room will alternate between the two groups.
March 27, 2014

An unconstitutional violation of student press freedom

In her spring 2013 platform, then-candidate and now Student Council co-president Lanie Schlessinger ’15 wrote, “I would like to continue to do whatever possible to increase the transparency and accessibility of StuCo. Though we publicize our efforts and accomplishments across many mediums,
March 27, 2014

Film review: Nebraska

Remember that one time when your father wanted to walk to Lincoln, Nebraska to pick up the million dollars he won from a magazine subscription company? On the one hand, you desperately want to make up for lost father-son bonding time, because
March 27, 2014

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