March 2014 - Page 10

Swarthmore to send five top slam poets to CUPSI showcase

On Saturday, Rose Wunrow ’16 and fellow teammates Haydil Henriquez ’14, Maria Vietyez ’16, Kat Galvis ’17 and George Abraham ’17 amazed a full Science Center 101 with a performance of the work they have prepared to compete at the 2014 College
March 6, 2014

Divided consent builds a slippery slope

The US Supreme Court ruled in Fernandez v. California (2014) that police may search a residence without a warrant if an occupant consents to a search and an objecting occupant is removed for reasonable purposes such as lawful arrest. Justice Alito delivered
March 6, 2014

Macroeconomic illiteracy

In his February 24th article, “A critique of the Federal Reserve System,” Eric Yao provides some seriously disturbing, frankly catastrophic, prescriptions for central banking in the United States. In his critique, Yao channels century-old Austrian economic theories that are unfortunately still espoused
March 6, 2014

Irregular conflict and cartel dynamics in “The Wire”

“The Wire,” praised as the best TV series of all time, has inspired its fair share of academic analysis. Multiple universities have devoted entire classes to exploring themes such as poverty and drug policy through the medium of David Simon’s creation. The
March 6, 2014

Free Market Fairness

On Monday, I attended Brown Professor John Tomasi’s talk on his book “Free Market Fairness,” where he attempted to offer a theoretical framework for uniting libertarian theories on free markets with theories of social justice. I had anticipated a predictable talk, outlining
March 6, 2014
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