February 2014 - Page 5

The future of atrocity prevention and response

The next twenty years will be an exciting time for the concept of early warning. I believe the same applies to atrocity prevention and mitigation. The idea of early warning, and certainly quantitative early warning, is in its infancy. There is a
February 20, 2014

Record-breaking stretch for Oppenheimer

For Jonas Oppenheimer ’15, the past month has been something special. The distance runner has set two individual school records, in the 800m run and the mile, and has helped his 800m relay team set a third record. Oppenheimer’s performances are a
February 20, 2014

Bring back the Philly shuttle

Swarthmore advertises its proximity to Philadelphia as a key selling point of the college. For many students, this is a major factor in deciding to come here, as it clearly sets Swarthmore apart from peer institutions like Amherst and Williams, which are
February 20, 2014

Summer research defies gravity

When you ask a friend “What are you doing this summer?” you’ve probably heard the casual reply, “I’m doing research over the summer.” It turns out that there is a lot more to this answer than just a lab coat and a
February 20, 2014

Laura Cacho to serve as new sustainability director

The college has hired a new director of sustainability Laura Cacho, who will work to encourage environmentally sustainable behavior throughout the campus. In her role as director of sustainability, Cacho will also help organize courses focused on sustainability, invite outside speakers to
February 20, 2014

‘Little Failure’ a huge success

Near the beginning of Gary Shteyngart’s new memoir, “Little Failure,” Gary shares an emotionally charged moment with his father. “The past is haunting us,” Shteyngart writes. “In Queens, in Manhattan, it is shadowing us, punching us in the stomach. I am small,
February 20, 2014
Ron Swanson, Tammy #2 and a lobster? (Fritz Eyerer '12, Julian Leland '12 and Avery Davis '12)By Ellen Sanchez '13

This bowl is on fire

The Sunday before classes began this semester, from a few tables away, I saw Nick Witchey sitting in Hobbs brunching. His fine-boned face was framed by silky Medieval pageboy hair, and until I could meet him in the flesh, I decided to
February 20, 2014
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