January 2014 - Page 2

StuCo to hold elections for reorganized goverment

This semester, the college will witness Student Council transformed. Now called the Student Government Organization (SGO), it will be made of two distinct branches: Campus Council (CC) and Student Assembly (SA). Each branch will include multiple positions. “Student Council, as it stands,
January 30, 2014

Not enough professors to go around

Over the past week, I have attended several department information sessions in preparation for the sophomore plan. More than any of the requirements, recommendations and advice on the proper way to explain a major choice to disapproving family members, what has stuck
January 30, 2014

Civic engagement and Student Council

Student Council has a leadership problem. While reorganizing and expanding the organization may provide more structure and manpower, it does not address the underlying issue. Few people really know or care about what Student Council does, and Student Council doesn’t assert itself
January 30, 2014

Controversies of Billboard’s top 10

The year 2013 will be remembered for many things: Egyptian protests, national security scandals, new popes. For the people who watch the pop charts, however, 2013 will be remembered as one of the worst years for mainstream music in a very long
January 30, 2014

East/West exhibit cautions against false notions of superiority

Living in the List Gallery this month are large-scale photographs that explore the meeting of architecture and landscape, growth and decay, industrialism and nature, and the visceral and the unreal. In his East/West exhibit, photographer Andrew Moore, the 2014 Donald J. Gordon
January 30, 2014

Orchestra 2001 pays tribute to MLK through art and music

Classes may have been in session on January 20, but celebrations for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day were in full swing at the Lang Concert Hall last Sunday. The two-hour concert featured Orchestra 2001 performing an array of pieces inspired by and
January 30, 2014

Should everyone attend college? Probably not

For many years, my grandfather told me: “You just need that degree,” as if going to college was some requirement for adulthood. Having grown up in a coal-mining town in western Pennsylvania, my grandfather regrets that he was never able to afford
January 30, 2014
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