The Swatter: October 21-28

October 30, 2013
September, Swatter
The Swatter

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.


Date: Monday, October 21
Time: 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Location: Bond Visitors/Faculty Staff Lot
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to a report that landscaping equipment had been stolen from the landscaping contractor’s trailer parked in Bond Lot. The value of the items are $1,560. The matter is under investigation.
10/22/13: EBP INACTIVE Public Safety spoke with contractor who reported that if any follow up is necessary regarding this matter they will contact Swarthmore Police Department. If any assistance is needed from Public Safety, this matter will be reopened at that time.
Status: Inactive



Date: Monday, October 21
Time: 9:13 a.m.
Location: Parrish Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety received information concerning an unsecured area within the basement of Parrish Hall. Facilities was notified and the area was evaluated and secured.
Status: Investigation


Medical Response

Date: Tuesday, October 22
Time: 2:10 p.m.
Location: Trotter Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to Trotter Hall for a report of an unconscious male resident student. The student was unconscious upon arrival. The individual came to shortly thereafter and escorted to the Worth Health Center.
Status: Closed


Purchase, Consumption, Possession, Transportation, Liquor Malt Brew

Date: Thursday, October 24
Time: 12:58-1:26 a.m.
Location: Worth Health Center
Synopsis: Public Safety, Swarthmore Police Department and Ambulance responded to Worth Health Center to transport an intoxicated male resident student to the Hospital. The student was cited by Swarthmore Police Department for underage drinking.
Status: Cleared/Arrested


Suspicious Odor

Date: Thursday, October 24
Time: 4:21-4:23 p.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: While on patrol in Worth Residence Hall, Public Safety observed a haze of smoke in the hallway with a strong odor that smelled like marijuana. The matter has been referred to the Dean’s office.
Status: Dean’s Referral


Marijuana Possession
Purchase, Consumption, Possession, Transportation of Liquid Malt Brew

Date: Thursday, October 24
Time: 11:06-11:11 p.m.
Location: Parrish West Circle
Synopsis: While on routine patrol, Public Safety observed individuals in the bushes near Parrish West Circle. On approach three individuals ran but one individual was identified as a Swarthmore male resident student. Upon interview, alcohol was observed and marijuana was identified as being smoked. The matter has been referred to the Dean’s office.
Status: Dean’s Referral


Investigation Person(s)

Date: Thursday, October 24
Time: 9:54-10:06 p.m.
Location: Hallowell Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to Hallowell Residence Hall for the report of an unidentified individual. Upon arrival the area was checked and the individual had left. Information on file for future reference.
Status: Inactive



Date: Wednesday, October 23
Time: 11:23-11:48 p.m.
Location: Bond Parking Lot
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report of an individual visiting Swarthmore and departing the Tri-Co Shuttle intoxicated. Public Safety checked the area with negative results. Bryn Mawr College was notified.
Status: Closed


Suspicious Odor

Date: Friday, October 25
Time: 12:00-12:15 p.m.
Location: LPAC
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to the report from a Swarthmore staff member about a smell of smoke on the ground floor in Lang Performing Arts Center. There was no sign of smoke or fire. It was determined that the smell was caused by the pump within LPAC. Facilities was notified.
Status: Closed


Investigation Vehicle(s)

Date: Friday, October 25
Time: 4:12-4:23 p.m.
Location: Roberts Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report from a female resident student about a suspicious vehicle from the evening before on campus. The matter is under investigation
Status: Investigation



Date: Thursday, October 24
Time: 11:30-11:35 p.m.
Location: Swarthmore College Campus
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report from a male resident student concerned about the operational safety of the nighttime shuttle. the matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation



Date: Saturday, October 26
Time: 3:41-3:47 p.m.
Location: Parking Lot “C”
Synopsis: A male resident student was observed being disorderly by a Public Safety Officer. The matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation


Fire Alarm

Date: Saturday, October 26
Time: 3:00 p.m.
Location: Roberts Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to a fire alarm within Roberts Residence Hall. There was no sign of smoke or fire. The building was evacuated and Facilities was notified.
Status: Closed



Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 12:37-12:56 p.m.
Location: Mertz Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety and Swarthmore Ambulance responded to Mertz Residence Hall for a report of an intoxicated male resident student. The student was transported to the hospital and the matter will be referred to the Dean of Student’s Office.
Status: Dean’s Referral


Purchase, Consumption, Possession, Transportation of Liquid Malt Brew

Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 11:14-11:32 p.m.
Location: Sharples Dining Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report of an intoxicated female within Sharples Dining Hall. Public Safety and Swarthmore Ambulance responded and the student was transported to the hospital. The student was cited by Swarthmore Police for underage drinking.
Status: Cleared/Arrest


Purchase, Consumption, Possession, Transportation of Liquid Malt Brew

Date: Saturday, October 26
Time: 11:14-11:32 p.m.
Location: Sharples Dining Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report of an intoxicated female within Sharples Dining Hall. Public Safety and Swarthmore Ambulance responded and the student was transported to the hospital. The student was cited by Swarthmore Police for underage drinking.
Status: Cleared/Arrest


Purchase, Consumption, Possession, Transportation of Liquid Malt Brew

Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 12:00-12:35 p.m.
Location: Sharples Dining Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety observed an intoxicated female resident student within Sharples Dining Hall. The student was evaluated by a Swarthmore Medic and refused medical attention. The matter will be referred to the Dean of Student’s Office.
Status: Dean’s Referral



Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 11:56 p.m.-12:05 a.m.
Location: Sharples Dining Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to Sharples Dining Hall for the report of an intoxicated male resident student. The matter was referred to the Dean’s Office.
Status: Dean’s Referral


Purchase, Consumption, Possession, Transportation of Liquid Malt Brew

Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 1:34-1:59 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety, Swarthmore Police Department and Ambulance responded to Worth Residence Hall for an intoxicated female resident student. The student was transported to the hospital and will be cited by Swarthmore Police Department for underage drinking.
Status: Cleared/Arrest


Simple Assault/Not Aggravated and Dating Violence

Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 1:27-1:45 a.m.
Location: David Kemp Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to David Kemp Residence Hall for a report from a male resident student that he witnessed someone getting hit at the party. Upon arrival, no one wished to report the incident to Public Safety.
Status: Closed


Purchase, Consumption, Possession, Transportation of Liquid Malt Brew

Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 12:51-1:01 a.m.
Location: Mertz Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety, Swarthmore Police Department and Ambulance responded to Mertz Residence Hall for the report of an intoxicated resident female student. The student was evaluated and refused medical attention and will be cited by Swarthmore Police for underage drinking.
Status: Cleared/Arrest



Date: Sunday, October 27
Time: 3:26-3:41 p.m.
Location: McCabe Library
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to the report of an unidentified male within McCabe Library. Upon arrival, Public Safety identified the individual and resumed patrol.
Status: Closed

1 Comment Leave a Reply

  1. “Public Safety responded to David Kemp Residence Hall for a report from a male resident student that he witnessed someone getting hit at the party. Upon arrival, no one wished to report the incident to Public Safety.”

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September, Swatter

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Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. Medical Emergency
September, Swatter

The Swatter: November 16-November 23

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. Criminal Mischief,
September, Swatter

The Swatter: October 19-October 26

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. Investigation of
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