The Swatter: April 22-29

May 1, 2013
September, Swatter
The Swatter

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

Criminal Mischief

Date: Sunday, April 21
Time: 9:12-9:20 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: EVS staff reported a fire extinguisher discharged outside of Worth Residence Hall. Public Safety responded to find a small amount of CO2 powder on the grass outside. Public Safety replaced the extinguisher.
Status: Cleared


Sexual Assault

Date: Monday, April 22
Time: 12:43 p.m.
Location: Swarthmore College Campus
Synopsis: An unknown individual reported an on-campus forcible rape to the Public Safety Department by way of email through the online Incident Reporting/Sexual Misconduct reporting form. No additional information about the date, time, specific location or individuals involved were noted. The crime report was filed at 12:43 p.m. this date.
Status: Title IX Referral



Date: Sunday, April 21
Time: 2:15 a.m.
Location: Sharples Dining Hall
Synopsis: A male resident student reported to Public Safety the theft of his coat and his phone and glasses inside the coat from the Sharples Dining Hall. The value is unknown at this time. Matter is under investigation.
Status: Found by owner


Fire Alarm

Date: Monday, April 22
Time: 5:39-5:57 p.m.
Location: Willets Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to Willets Residence Hall for a smoke alarm. The cause of the alarm was burnt food. The building was evacuated, cleared of smoke and the alarm was reset.
Status: Cleared


Medical Response

Date: Wednesday, April 24
Time: 5:21-5:29 a.m.
Location: Roberts Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to a sick EVS employee at Roberts Residence Hall. The employee did not want to complete a Workman’s Compensation Form and refused medical treatment.
Status: Cleared


Theft/From Motor Vehicle

Date: Tuesday, April 23
Time: 1:00-10:00 a.m.
Location: College-Owned Vehicle
Synopsis: A resident male student reported to Public Safety that he may have left an iPad in a College-owned van. Public Safety searched the van and the iPad was not found. The value of the iPad is unknown at this time. Matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation


Harassment by Communication: Hate – Race/Class/Gender/Religion/Sexual Orientation/Disability

Date: Tuesday, April 23
Time: 9:31-9:34 p.m.
Location: College Avenue
Synopsis: A male resident student reported that an anonymous individual made intimidating and demeaning comments concerning an individual’s sexual orientation on a public website. Incident was investigated and the individuals were identified.
Status: Title IX Referral


Sexual Assault

Date: Wednesday, April 24
Time: 12:00 a.m.
Location: Swarthmore College Campus
Synopsis: A female resident student reported that she was informed that an unknown female resident student was sexually assaulted by a known male resident student. At this time, there is no additional information about the date, time or location of the incident.
Status: Title IX Referral


Investigated Persons

Date: Thursday, April 25
Time: 10:54-11:26 p.m.
Location: Willets Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to the report of a suspicious male in Willets Residence Hall. Public Safety, along with Swarthmore Police Department, searched the area without finding the subject.
Status: Investigation


Sexual Assault

Date: Thursday, April 25
Time: 4:35 p.m.
Location: Swarthmore College Campus
Synopsis: A female student reported to a staff member that she was sexually assaulted. No additional information about the location, date, time or suspect are known at this time. Matter under investigation.
Status: Title IX Referral


Sexual Assault

Date: Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Time: 10:00 p.m.
Location: Off-Campus Location
Synopsis: A male resident student reported being forcibly raped by a known male resident student at an off-campus location.
Status: Title IX Referral


Fire Alarm

Date: Thursday, April 25
Time: 7:52-7:59 p.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to a fire alarm in Worth. The cause of the alarm was burnt food. Public Safety cleared the smoke and reset the alarm. There was no sign of fire.
Status: Cleared



Date: Tuesday, April 23
Time: 11:00 p.m.
Location: Science Center
Synopsis: A female resident student reported Bose headphones stolen from the Science Center via email. The value of the item was approximately $300. Update: Headphones found by owner.
Status: Investigation


Burglary/Unlawful Entry No Force

Date/Time: Friday, April 19 at 4:00 p.m.-Thursday, April 25 at 12:00 a.m.
Location: Science Center
Synopsis: A faculty member reported a laptop stolen. The value of the laptop is approximately $400. Matter under investigation.
Status: Investigation



Date/Time: Monday, April 22 at 10:00 a.m.-Friday, April 26 at 10:00 a.m.
Location: Science Center
Synopsis: A staff member from the Science Department reported to Public Safety that food items and batteries were stolen from a copy room within the building. The value of the item was $15.
Status: Investigation


Theft/Interior/Buildings/Domestic Dispute

Date: Thursday, April 25
Time: 1:30 a.m.
Location: Phi Psi Fraternity House
Synopsis: A male resident student reported to Public Safety a domestic dispute and theft of property by a known female resident student. Matter under investigation. Update: The stolen property was returned to Public Safety.
Status: Investigation


Sexual Assault

Date/Time: Wednesday, September 1, 2010-Friday, November 30, 2012
Location: Papazian Hall
Synopsis: A staff member reported that a male resident student told them about another male resident student who was sexually assaulted by a known male resident student. The reporting party was supplied the available resources options to provide the individual and encouraged them to contact Public Safety.
Status: Title IX Referral


Forcible Fondling

Date: Friday, April 26
Time: 12:00 a.m.
Location: Clothier Hall
Synopsis: A staff member reported that she was told by a male student that a female resident student advised him that a known male resident student forcibly fondled her. No additional details were provided. The reporting party was supplied the available resources and reporting options to provide to the individual and encouraged them to contact Public Safety.
Status: Title IX Referral


Criminal Mischief: Disturbance

Date: Thursday, April 11
Time: 10:00-11:59 p.m.
Location: Wharton Residence Hall
Synopsis: A staff member notified Public Safety that a female resident student reported a disturbance within a residence hall. The incident involved a known male resident student who entered her dormitory room when she was not present and removed her belongings. This matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation



Date: Friday, April 26
Time: 9:30 p.m.
Location: Parrish Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to the report of a theft of a student’s laptop (in a green bag) being taken from the basement locker area of Parrish. The value is $500. A report was taken and the matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation


Fire Alarm

Date: Saturday, April 27
Time: 7:59-8:07 a.m.
Location: Clothier Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to a fire alarm within Clothier Hall. Upon arrival, it was determined it was a false alarm and the cause is unknown. Public Safety notified Facilities and reset the alarm.
Status: Closed


Assist to Other Police Department

Date: Saturday, April 27
Time: 3:25-3:33 p.m.
Location: College Avenue
Synopsis: Public Safety assisted Swarthmore Police Department with a stranded motorist.
Status: Cleared


Indecent Exposure: Intoxication

Date: Sunday, April 28
Time: 12:32-1:21 a.m.
Location: Olde Club
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to a report of an intoxicated Swarthmore alumnus who was observed partially undressed.
Status: Cleared


Investigated Persons: Intoxication

Date: Sunday, April 28
Time: 1:57-4:00 a.m.
Location: Benjamin West House
Synopsis: An intoxicated Swarthmore male resident student came into the Benjamin West House after falling out of his window trying to get into his dorm. Public Safety escorted the student to Worth Health Center. Upon evaluation, the student was transported to the hospital. After discharge, Public Safety transported the student back to Worth Health Center and then to his dorm.
Status: Dean’s Referral


Fire Alarm: Suspicious Odor

Date: Saturday, April 27
Time: 2:24-2:49 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to a fire alarm within Worth Residence Hall. Upon arrival, it was determined that the alarm had been pulled. There was an odor of marijuana in the hallway and a smoke detector in a student’s room was covered by a plastic bag. No one evacuated the building. Public Safety reset the alarm.
Status: Dean’s Referral


Noise Complaint

Date: Sunday, April 28
Time: 12:11-12:18 a.m.
Location: Alice Paul Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety responded to Alice Paul Residence Hall for the report of loud music. The Officers asked the students to turn down the radio and then cleared.
Status: Cleared


Criminal Mischief

Date: Saturday, April 27
Time: 10:54-11:14 p.m.
Location: Parrish East Circle
Synopsis: Public Safety received a report of red paint on Magill Walk. Matter under investigation.
Status: Investigation


Aggravated/Hands, Fist, Feet, Etc.

Date: Sunday, April 28
Time: 2:46-3:45 a.m.
Location: Outdoor Area/Fraternity Houses
Synopsis: A Public Safety Officer intervened in an altercation between two Swarthmore male alumni.
Status: Closed



Date: Sunday, April 28
Time: 12:00 a.m.
Location: Papazian Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety Officers responded to a report of improperly disposed of equipment. Matter under investigation.
Status: Closed



Date: Sunday, April 28
Time: 6:05 p.m.
Location: Crum Meadow
Synopsis: An individual reported an unauthorized fire in the fire pit located within the Crum. Public Safety responded and extinguished the fire.
Status: Closed


Criminal Mischief

Date: Monday, April 29
Time: 9:01-9:10 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: EVS reported to Public Safety that the dry chemical from a fire extinguisher is in Worth 1st-floor restroom and an empty extinguisher is in Worth J lounge area. Public Safety responded. It is noted that this is the second incident of this kind in one week.
Status: Dean’s Referral



Date: Saturday, April 27
Time: 2:00-3:00 p.m.
Location: Willets Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety took a report from a male resident student who reported the theft of his snake plant from the exterior of Willets Residence Hall. The value is unknown at this time and the matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation



Date: Friday, March 1-Monday, April 15
Location: Phi Psi Fraternity House
Synopsis: Public Safety took a report from a female resident student for the theft of an iPhone. The value is unknown at this time and the matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation



Date: Wednesday, April 10
Time: 10:00-3:00 p.m.
Location: Mullan Fitness Center
Synopsis: Public Safety took a report from a male resident student for the theft of a watch. The value is approximately $150 and the matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation



Date: Wednesday, April 10
Time: 10:00-3:00 p.m.
Location: Sharples Dining Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety took a report from a male resident student for the theft of a wireless speaker. The value is approximately $150 and the matter is under investigation.
Status: Investigation


This article has been edited since initial publication in the following way: Under an entry marked “Criminal Mischief” that occurred Monday in Worth, the entry should read “this is the second incident of this kind in one week.” It initially read “this is the incident of this kind in one week.”

17 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. A student who talked to Joanna Gallagher was told by her that there were 30 reports of sexual assault last week. There are not 30 reports of sexual assault here; what is going on?

    • I don’t know, maybe people like me don’t want our assaults reported in the campus newspaper, even anonymously? That Public Safety may eliminate results that may have too much distinguishing information, and that assaults from several years ago are not always included in Public Safety’s reports of current campus safety.
      The answer is not always that the administration is conspiring to harm all students, Miriam. I suggest you actually talk to them at some point. Not all of them are terrible people, as you seem to assume.

      • Hi! I don’t know who you are, but your comment definitely indicates that you don’t know me, at least more than superficially. I have met with and worked with several members of the administration and of those I know or know about, I have positive feelings about several, optimistically mixed about most, and only truly condemnatory feelings about a couple.

        As far as the Swatter goes, I’ve been concerned about it for a while not as reflecting the Daily Gazette but as reflecting Public Safety. My report – not of a sexual assault but of the threat of one – never made it in, even though I would have wanted it to, and I’m not alone in that. I believe, based on my admittedly limited understanding of the legality, that Public Safety has to make public the criminal reports it receives, as through the Swatter, it receives and to not do so would be in violation of the Clery Act.

        In any case, I totally understand that not everyone wants their reports published. I’m not interested in villainizing anyone right now in this comment space; I was just trying to trace the origin of a troubling pattern I was noticing. I’ve since learned that the DG receives the information for the Swatter in a PDF and publishes it based on that, not editing in or out content.

      • The issue is that that would be a violation of federal law and the administration is plainly aware of that. Every crime report must be published and made very public per the Clery Act.

        • Crime logs have to include all criminal incidents in a given week and Public Safety is required to keep a publicly available crime log at their office. However, they are not required to publish their crime log in the campus newspaper. The document the DG receives is the weekly summary, not the crime log. If you want to know what the crime log contains, you have to talk to Public Safety.

          Also, students are allowed to (and do) request that an incident not appear in the weekly summary. These students may fear retribution for reporting an incident, not want their friend to know that they reported their sexual assault, etc.

          I suggest you go to Public Safety to see if the crime log reflects the numbers you expect, or talk to Joanna yourself.

      • Crime log entries, according the handbook provided by the Dept. of Ed, must include ALL crimes reported to Public Safety. Swarthmore is not allowed to pick and choose which crimes are included, because it would go against the point of having such a log.

        The log doesn’t have to include “too much distinguishing information”. They need only include date of report, date of occurrence, nature of the crime (it can be a brief description, just ‘sexual assault’ if need be), general location, and current status.

        The ONLY reason to withhold info is if disclosure is prohibited by law or if “disclosure would jeopardize the confidentiality of the victim”.

        The Handbook containing these requirements can be read here:

        Joanna told me she was getting so many (30 or so) reports of sexual assaults recently that she couldn’t remember if my professors reported my assault. These numbers don’t match up to that. You tell me what conclusion I should draw from that info.

    • Hi Miriam!
      I think that sometimes the reports don’t coincide with the days because I’m pretty sure they put this in the Swatter AFTER meeting with Sharmaine and Joanna. But I just think that’s the way it works…I’m not entirely sure.

      • I’ll just echo this comment that it took a week or two for my reported sexual assault to end up in the Swatter and crime log. The date on it was correct (that is to say the date it said it was reported reflected when I actually reported it) but it ended up in a later batch of the Swatter. I’m not sure what the delay was, but to be honest I’m chalking it up to thinks like “paperwork” and “bureaucracy” rather than malicious intent. This isn’t to say that there aren’t also cases of crimes being withheld from the crime log or not being recorded properly/correctly within the crime log–but sometimes I think they do genuinely just get swamped under trying to keep up with all the reporting, and especially if there have been “30 reports” this week then chances are they are struggling to address them all. Keep an eye on things. If a month goes by and we don’t see a huge bubble in sexual assault reports in the Swatter then I’d be more willing to call “Houston we have a problem” on that particular situation.

  2. Criminal Mischief: Disturbance

    Date: Thursday, April 11
    Time: 10:00-11:59 p.m.
    Location: Wharton Residence Hall
    Synopsis: A staff member notified Public Safety that a female resident student reported a disturbance within a residence hall. The incident involved a known male resident student who entered her dormitory room when she was not present and removed her belongings. This matter is under investigation.
    Status: Investigation

    Why is this criminal mischief and not theft?

  3. “Synopsis: EVS reported to Public Safety that the dry chemical from a fire extinguisher is in Worth 1st-floor restroom and an empty extinguisher is in Worth J lounge area. Public Safety responded. It is noted that this is the incident of this kind in one week.”

    “The incident of this kind”
    The what incident? First? second? ninth?

    • Hi Miriam,

      We’re glad you’re keeping a close eye on “The Swatter.” I made a mistake in the transcription of this entry (the public safety report comes to us in PDF and we have to retype it ourselves). It should read “this is the second incident of this kind in one week.”

      Hope this fix extinguishes your concern.

      Andrew Karas
      News Editor
      The Daily Gazette

  4. Don’t worry folks, we have Miriam H ’13, Private Investigator, on the case.

    Using the code “Pandora” I think you can get 250 free business cards from VistaPrint.

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September, Swatter

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Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. Medical Emergency
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Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. Investigation of
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