February 2013 - Page 6

Barbie Comes to Swarthmore

“I’m a Barbie girl, in a barbie world. Life is plastic”…is not so fantastic. Or at least this is what Jane Comfort suggests in her work Beauty (2012), a dance/theatre work that “explores the American notion of female beauty through the lens
February 21, 2013

Swatties Screw their Roommates

Components required for a successful Screw: a costume (preferably embarrassing), dinner on a paper plate, a sense of humor, and hopefully a reliable roommate. Screw Your Roommate is one of those Swat marvels that could only happen here, and it remains one
February 21, 2013

Swarthmore Hosts Summit On Fossil Fuel Divestment

This weekend, Swarthmore will play host to a nationwide conference of students from colleges and universities from over 18 states interested in discussing tactics of an emerging movement to divest college endowments from extractive industries, namely coal, oil and gas. There are
February 21, 2013

Greek Life Referendum a Dangerous Precedent

Over the last week, debates over Greek life have revealed the intense divide between those for and against the institution. The Phoenix’s staff editorial last week calling for a referendum to ban all Greek life opened the floodgates. Within a day after
February 21, 2013

You Can’t Stop the Violence

With all the talk lately about gun control, I’m here to tell you that you can’t stop the violence.  People are going to be able to get guns and they are going to use them to inflict violence upon others.  To all
February 21, 2013

Looking Past Obama: The Future of Liberalism

Many left-leaning observers commended Barack Obama’s State of the Union last week for its calls for a $9 minimum wage, universal preschool education, immigration reform, climate action, and election reform. Yet most also acknowledged that these goals have little chance of being
February 21, 2013

Freedom And the Greek Life Referendum

The prospect of a referendum to ban a set of student groups should is not something that sat easily with me at first. We must always be concerned when the majority seeks to impose its will on a minority, when any freedom
February 21, 2013

Illegal PEDs Not a Problem on Campus

In recent years, a number of scary-sounding names and acronyms have come into the public eye. BALCO. HGH. Biogenesis. Deer antler spray. And so on. While the details are shady, one thing is clear: our childhoods have been forever ruined by popular
February 21, 2013

The Rise and Fall of Paul Gascoigne

The Man, the Myth, the Legend: Gazza was and still is the greatest mistake of English footballing history. The “Hand of God” incident ranks pretty highly, but that was the fault of a Mr. Nasser, a lovely man I’m sure but a
February 21, 2013
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