Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
Medical Response
Date: Monday, October 8
Time: 4:46 a.m.
Location: Worth Health Center
Synopsis: Officers responded to the health center to assist with the an ambulance for a student with flu-like symptoms and brief unconsciousness. Swarthmore Police and Emergency Medical Services responded and the student was transported to the emergency for treatment.
Status: Cleared
Fire Alarm
Date: Tuesday, October 8
Time: 7:57 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: A fire alarm was received for Worth Residence Hall ,first floor hallway for a smoke detector activation. Public Safety and Facilities responded and reset the alarm. The cause of the alarm was steam from the shower.
Status: Closed
Fire Alarm
Date: Tuesday, October 9
Time: 9:46 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: A fire alarm was received for Worth Residence Hall in the second floor hallway. Public Safety and Facilities responded to the alarm and reset the alarm. The cause of the alarm was due to steam vapor from a bathroom shower.
Status: Closed
Date: Tuesday, October 9
Time: 6:30 a.m.
Location: Mertz Residence Hall
Synopsis: A student reported the theft of his bicycle, which was parked outside of Mertz Dorm. A report was taken by Public Safety and on file for investigation. No additional information or witnesses are available at this time.
Status: Investigation
Investigation Person(s)
Date: Tuesday, October 9
Time: 2:15-2:46 p.m.
Location: Parrish Hall
Synopsis: A female student reported a disoriented older female in Parrish Hall on the first floor. Public Safety and Swarthmore Police responded. The individual was identified and escorted off campus without incident.
Status: Closed
Medical Emergency
Date: Saturday, October 13
Time: 4:55-5:06 p.m.
Location: Cunningham Fields
Synopsis: Public Safety, Swarthmore Police and Emergency Medical Transport responded to the Tennis Courts for a non student male in need of medical assistance was transported to the hospital for chest pains. No further information available at this time.
Status: Cleared
Safety Hazard
Date: Sunday, October 14
Time: 6:42-6:44 p.m.
Location: Parrish Hall
Synopsis: During building check of Parrish Hall, Public Safety observed construction work at WSRN that may pose a safety hazard. This ceiling work exposed an opening in the ceiling and duct work that could be used to possibly gain entry to this area. Area was secured.
Status: Closed
Fire Alarm
Date: Tuesday, October 14
Time: 5:54-6:08 p.m.
Location: Mertz Residence Hall
Synopsis: A fire alarm was received from within Mertz Residence Hall for a second floor smoke detector. The cause of the alarm was cooking. No fire condition was present and once the area was cleared of smoke the the alarm was reset.
Status: Closed
Medical Emergency
Date: Monday, October 15
Time: 1:41-2:10 p.m.
Location: Crum Ledge Lane
Synopsis: Information was received, via scanner, in refernce to an individual in cardiac arrest. Officers responded and upon arrival Swarthmore Police and Emergency Medical Services were on location. After sereral minutes of treatment the individual was revived and transported to the hospital for further evaluation. It should be noted the individual was a guest and is not affiliated with the college.
Status: Closed
Fire Alarm
Date: Tuesday, October 16
Time: 12:19 a.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: A fire alarm was activated within Worth Hall, section M second floor. No fire was observed. Public Safety Officers responded and reset the alarm. The cause of the alarm was burnt food.
Status: Closed
Intrusion Alarm
Date: Tuesday, October 16
Time: 10:31-10:40 p.m.
Location: McCabe Library
Synopsis: Two female resident students were identified as setting the alarm off due to being in the building after hours. Students were identified and escorted out of the building.
Status: Dean’s Referral
Date: Thursday, October 18
Time: 4:50-6:37 a.m.
Location: Swarthmore College Campus
Synopsis: Information was received from a female resident student, in reference to an unknown male, who stated that he was a student and looking for his friend, entered her room and was intoxicated and scantly clad. Officers responded and were unable to locate the individual. Due to safety concerns Swarthmore Police were notified and advised that the individual may be wandering in the vicinity. The individual was later identified and located. The appropriate offices were notified of this incident.
Status: Dean’s Referral
Fire Alarm
Date: Thursday, October 18
Time: 10:43 p.m.
Location: Mertz Residence Hall
Synopsis: A fire alarm activation was received from within Mertz Hall, 2nd floor. No signs of fire were observed. Public Safety responded and reset the alarm. The cause of the alarm activation was due to cooking.
Status: Closed
Fire Hazard
Date: Thursday, October 18
Time: 10:06 p.m.
Location: Worth Residence Hall
Synopsis: Public Safety officers responded to a student admit at Worth Residence Hall and observed a smoke detector fire hazard. The occupant of the room covered the smoke detector with a plastic bag to prevent activation from smoking.
Status: Dean’s Referral
Date: Friday, October 19
Time: 6:41-7:05 p.m.
Location: Palmer Residence Hall Kitchen
Synopsis: Fire Alarm was received for Palmer Hall via Simplex System. Officers dispatched; Alarm was silenced and area was checked; Flames in oven were extinguished by students before officers arrived. Area was checked and no other damage was found in the kitchen area. Extinguisher was replaced, dean was notified, Director Mike Hill was notifed.
Intrusion Alarm
Date: Friday, October 19
Time: 10:06-10:13 p.m.
Location: Ware Pool
Synopsis: An intrusion alarm was received from Ware Pool. Public Safety Officers responded and found the doors facing the Mullan Center open. The doors were secured, the area checked and alarm was reset. Officers then resumed patrol.
Investigation Vehicle(s)
Date: Saturday, October 20
Time: 5:32 a.m.
Location: Bond Visitors Lot
Synopsis: A Public Safety Officer observed a red Buick parked in Bond Lot with one male occupant. The Officer approached the vehicle to check on the well being of the occupant inside. The gentleman was identified as the parent of a current student . He stated that he wanted to see his son when he awakes.The officer then resumed patrol.
Intrusion Alarm
Date: Sunday, October 21
Time: 10:54 a.m.
Location: Cornell Science Library
Synopsis: Public Safety Communication Center received an intrusion alarm from Cornell Library. Public Safety Officers responded and discovered that The alarm was activated upon the staff opening the library.