March 2012 - Page 6

Opening doors, minds through sign language

Following a weekend packed with performances, workshops and lectures, the seven poets featured in the International Festival of Sign Language Poetry “Signing Hands Across the Water” kept shaping the same sign in describing their experiences to the event organizer: an opening door.
March 22, 2012

New Writing Center speaking program in early stages

Within the next couple of years, Swarthmore students will likely see the addition of another acronym to the school’s distinctive lexicon. Since 2008, the Writing Center has been working on developing the Speaking Associates, or SPA program. Currently in its pilot phase,
March 22, 2012

Flag waving sparks student, dean reactions

Last Thursday, a male visitor to the college waved the stars and bars of the confederate flag during the closing minutes of Pub Nite. The visitor, as well as some Swarthmore students standing near him, allegedly pushed one student who asked him
March 22, 2012
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