Hi everyone! My name is Samantha Bennett, and I’m running for Secretary of Student Council. I am a Junior Political Science major, minoring in Statistics and Peace & Conflict Studies. Instead of discussing the superfluous and dull details of my life, I’ll get straight to the point. Why do I want to be secretary? After having spent last semester abroad in Copenhagen, I want to get reacquainted with the campus community. What better way than to run for Student Council? With fresh faces in Sharples, and new Deans (who all happen to come from Colgate), I want to get to know the new members of the Swarthmore community.
When I first told my friends about my interest in running for Secretary, most immediately asked me what a secretary does besides writing the weekly minutes. One friend was adamant that I should write the minutes by hand and utilize my special handwriting and spelling skills. (I pride myself in being my own spell-check). I will consider the options but more importantly, I will make the minutes clear, concise and interesting to read for you busy Swatties. Like past Secretaries, I will also write up summaries of Student Council meetings and initiatives, and place these updates in restrooms around campus. Additionally, the Secretary is supposed to have communication with other colleges’ Student Councils, something that I will commit to as a way of gaining insight and making our own Student Council more effective. It is important to remember, however, that besides the specific secretarial duties, there are the general Student Council responsibilities a StuCo member must fulfill. I am not simply recording the basics from meetings nor am I informing the student body of our goals via bathroom stalls. Student Council is about the student body. As a member of Student Council, it is necessary to be the liaison between the student body and the administration. I hope to hold Q&A lunch sessions to hear from the students what the principal issues on campus are. I will do my best to make their recommendations a reality. I recognize my job as a liaison and not someone who holds their own opinions as superior.
But what makes me the perfect candidate for Secretary? I have several qualities that I feel would make me an effective Secretary. Having spent my college years as a member of the softball team, I consider myself extremely dedicated. It’s important for a Student Council member to be dedicated to their job because slacking off will only result in disappointment. As the former President of STAND (the student-led division of United to End Genocide), I have proven myself as responsible. Being a StuCo member requires crucial responsibilities, for which many people are depending on you. Additionally, I am an active member of an organization, SAAC (Student-Athlete Advisory Council, which, similarly to StuCo, coordinates between students and an administration. Experience, dedication, and responsibility mean nothing, however, without someone who is willing to work hard. In my classes, my various on-campus and off-campus jobs, and my internships, I have always maintained an excellent work dynamic. These are all qualities that the Secretary of Student Council should have. For these reasons, it is pertinent that you vote for me for Secretary of Student Council.