StuCo Report: Halloween, Student Life, and Elections

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.


Student Council will be co-hosting “Halloween with the Deans” on October 28th. The event provides a chance for students to visit Dean Braun’s house and meet some of the deans if they have not had the opportunity to do so. Candy and seasonal food will be provided. Dean Braun will be organizing the event with assistance from StuCo. Exact responsibilities are to be determined at a future meeting.



StuCo is working on hosting a panel discussion about student life and stress levels. The panel would bring administration, faculty, and students together to create a greater shared understanding of the student experience at Swarthmore. President Chopp is supportive of the dialogue and suggested that StuCo facilitate it. While the panel aims to address diverse issues of student life, it will use the current issues surrounding Thursday night party permits as a gateway to initiating this larger discussion. The panel is currently scheduled for Tuesday, October 25th at 8:00 PM.



In response to the low voter turnout in the last StuCo election, the council is implementing new reforms to student voting. The council will be returning to a paper ballot. Desks with ballots and facilitators will be stationed in Sharples and other well-traveled sites around campus. The facilitators will secure the ballots in a lockbox an prevent duplicate voting via ID numbers. Students studying abroad may vote through an online absentee ballot, and all students may provide a write-in candidate. StuCo also considered establishing a minimum number of votes necessary for an election to count. The council consensus, however, was that such a plan was inconsistent with most democracies and could result in ever-decreasing turnout levels with subsequent elections. StuCo also plans to release a viral video encouraging students to vote. Their hope is that these new policies will increase voter turnout and result in a more representative Student Council.



– BikeShare has started.

– StuCo has started interviewing applicants for committee appointments.

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