To my fellow students and the Swarthmore campus community as a whole: I’m John Stevick, and I want to be your next Financial Policy Representative.
As a representative for the student body, I hope to establish a stronger presence in budget meetings and the overall management of the institution. Currently, major decisions concerning the college are, more often than not, made without so much as a poll to gauge the opinions of the student body. Steps towards greater student involvement need to be made. I am fully prepared to indentify and take those steps with the support of the student body.
A primary responsibility of the financial policy representative is to attend and contribute to the College Budget Committee. I will be highly involved, develop relationships with the committee and board members, and do all that I can to represent the student body. I plan to open a webpage accessible to students as a means to express your thoughts and opinions regarding processes, practices, and/or upcoming decisions of the school quickly accessible to me and other members of the budget committees. I want to bring your ideas directly to the administration. I will ensure that I am highly communicative with the student body and the administration.
I will work with the administration to create a greater student presence in budgeting decisions. I plan to pursue realistic goals and increase student involvement behind strategic planning and financial decisions. I plan to form positive relations with the administration, make my name and voice heard, and bring the thoughts and ideas of the student body to the table in true Quaker fashion.
I thank you for you time and consideration.