March 2011 - Page 3

Break-Up Etiquette 101

When we are little, no one ever teaches us how to properly break up with someone. This is a shame, given that most of us will have to be on either side of the exchange at least once in our lives.
March 4, 2011

Town Center West: Rumors and Realities

In the two weeks since the College’s Board of Managers approved the Town Center West project, a number of rumors and misperceptions have arisen. We want to take the opportunity to correct some of these misimpressions.
March 3, 2011

Andrea Packard: Toward a Quaker Aesthetic

List Gallery director Andrea Packard '85 gave a lecture discussing her work as an artist and as a curator at the LPAC Cinema on Wednesday, March 2, 2011. With an introduction by Professor Brian Meunier, Andrea Packard’s lecture titled “Toward a Quaker
March 2, 2011

Q&A on Hotel Plans

On Monday evening, members of Swarthmore’s administration held an informational Q&A session on the college’s plans to build a hotel in Swarthmore. The hotel’s construction will be funded and supervised by the College, and its primary purpose will be to provide lodging
March 1, 2011

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