December 2010

ML Weekday Breakfast Ended; Sunday Breakfast to Begin

ML's weekday continental breakfast service will be ended next semester, in favor of a Sunday morning breakfast with made-to-order food, as few students took advantage of the weekday breakfast. Coordinators and RAs are worried that the move limits residents' options and weakens
December 18, 2010

Inherit the Wind

Photos from Drama Board's rendition of Inherit the Wind, a courtroom drama about Darwinism.
December 7, 2010


Photos from last week's student performance of Metamorphoses, by Mary Zimmerman.
December 7, 2010

Krissy and Georgie, Young Sharples Workers

Interviews with two young people who work at Sharples, a senior at a nearby high school and a freshman at DCCC, about their relationship with the dining hall and what they think of the food.
December 3, 2010

Vice-President, Adriana Popa ’12

As the Facebook “You Know You Go To Swarthmore When…” page so eloquently puts it, the knowledge that a day has, in fact, 28 hours, entitles a Swattie to make such delightful comments as “Oh, but it’s only 3 AM!” Upholding the
December 3, 2010
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