February 2010

Week in Sports: Men’s Lacrosse Team Starts Off Season With a Win

On Saturday, sophomore Kenyetta Givans earned two gold medals to lead the Swarthmore women’s indoor track team to a seventh place finish at the Centennial Conference Championships. The men’s indoor track team earned eighth place in the Centennial Conference Championships. The men’s
February 28, 2010

Purim: It’s Good Fun

Three feet of snow blankets Philly? The Saints win the Super Bowl? What in the name of heaven is going on? It must be that time of year again, when we fulfill the sacred commandment to make fools of ourselves. It's the
February 26, 2010

Redefining Commenting on the Gazette

After intense editorial discussion, the Daily Gazette has decided to modify its comments policy. We have begun to worry that too many individuals are abusing our policy to write irrelevant and destructive posts.
February 25, 2010

How Does Sharples Reuse Leftovers?

After Pasta bar on Sundays and Wednesdays, Swatties observe that baked pasta is a rather common dish in the subsequent lunches and dinners that follow. This phenomenon begs the question: how often are food dishes reused at Sharples?
February 23, 2010

Screw Your Roommate 2010: In Video

Y'know those awkward moments, where you're meeting someone for the first time, for a first date? The uncertainty before your eyes first meet? The weight of your very first words to each other? The curious penumbra between said first encounter and the
February 23, 2010

Arlene Shechet Speaks On “Building Things” As An Artist

“Keep your work off balance…try to keep your work fresh and try other ways of working” advised artist Arlene Shechet, who gave a lecture on her work titled: “Building Things: Growing a Studio Practice” last Thursday as this year’s Marjorie Heilman Visiting
February 22, 2010
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