November 2009 - Page 6

Swat Alum Returns to Play at Olde Club

On Friday, November 6, Olde Club will welcome Swarthmore alumnus Pat Kolodgy ’09 back to its stage as as part of Handglops, a pop-punk band. Handglops will be joining Little Girls in opening for the Blank Dogs.
November 5, 2009

October 30th, 1929- The Day a Cow Entered Parrish

In the wake of Halloween, I think it’s appropriate to celebrate the 80th anniversary of one of the more wonderful pranks ever pulled at Swarthmore: the Cow Episode. On December 4, 1929, the editor of the Phoenix received a letter from the
November 4, 2009

The 2009 World Series According to a Mets Fan

On Monday night, when the Phillies beat the Yankees 8-6, I did something I never thought I would ever do—I cheered for the Phillies. But I didn’t just cheer; I pumped my fist, jumped around, and—perhaps most disturbingly—experienced happiness. Now, I could
November 3, 2009

Class Inequality and Seminar Breaks

Swarthmore students already attend school here at considerable expense, and seminar breaks are a lurking expenditure that isn’t technically required, but can’t be avoided for students taking a seminar. Naturally, the extent to which a student is capable of paying for seminar
November 3, 2009

The Future of Journalism

Will Saletan ’87, Swarthmore alum and Slate columnist, discussed the future of journalism with eight students last night in a talk sponsored by the Career Services Department.
November 3, 2009

Lang Poster Session Promotes Civic Engagement

Representatives from over 22 universities and colleges attended a poster session that displayed the work of several campus civic engagement groups at the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility this past Monday night. The event is part of a two-day Program
November 2, 2009

Finances, Bikes and a Media Shuttle

Student Council discussed the Student Financial Advisory Panel's first meeting, the use of the rollover textbook money, a bike share program and creating a Friday night shuttle to Media.
November 2, 2009
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