October 2009 - Page 5

Taking Swarthmore Journalism to Task

We have begun to take our journalism for granted. Few students derive much pleasure from reading the majority of the journalism produced on this campus, and even fewer take an active part in its production. In this state of disrepair, journalism stagnates.
October 5, 2009

Music, Volleyball, and Literature

Photos from women's volleyball beating Washington College, Orchestra 2001, Jazz Night at Paces Cafe, and Frances Smith Foster's lecture last week.
October 5, 2009

Preview: Hobbs Coffee

Hobbs Coffee is Swarthmore's anticipated incoming gourmet coffee shop, slated to open in the former location of Da Vinci's sometime late October to early November of this year.
October 2, 2009

Psyching Yourself Out: The Impact of Stereotypes on Intelligence

On Tuesday afternoon, Joshua Aronson, an Associate Professor of Applied Psychology at NYU, gave a talk on the effects of social pressure and bias on behavior on intelligence tests. Entitled “Stereotype Threat and the Nature and Nurture of Human Intelligence,” his talk
October 1, 2009

Recalibrating the Budget, A Fireside Chat

Last night, Student Council hosted a Fireside Chat on the school budget, inviting Acting Dean of Students Garikai Campbell and President Rebecca Chopp to speak on, and field questions about, the current and future fiscal state of the College. The chat was
October 1, 2009
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