April 2009 - Page 5

Richardson honors home and heritage at Kitao

Crystal Richardson’s senior art exhibition at the Kitao Gallery is a testament to her pride and devotion to her personal and family history. The show, which closed this week, ran concurrently with the “Pa Kusra Tu Pit’athuun: Indigenous Women’s Symposium,” of which
April 8, 2009

Class of 2013 Admitted; Admissions Grapples With Economy

5,574 students applied to Swarthmore, with 959, or 17%, offered a spot in the class, a small dip in applications from last year but still the second-largest number of applications ever. The economy may have an effect on accepted student yield, and
April 8, 2009

NY Times Graphics Editor Talks on Data Visualization

This week, the Math/Stat Department brought New York Times Graphics Editor Amanda Cox for the penultimate lecture in its colloquia series. The talk, entitled "Data Visualization (and a Little Bit of Math) at the New York Times", gave a brief overview the
April 7, 2009

First Women in Sport Symposium Hosted for Swat Athletes

The first ever Women in Sport Symposium took place this past weekend in the Scheurer Room. The 3-hour-long event featured a panel of women working in sports, dinner plus a screening of the HBO special Dare to Compete, and a keynote address
April 7, 2009

“12 Angry Men” Rebirths Classic

After I see a play—any play—I ask myself: “Could I have just _read_ it instead?” The value of translating the words of the playwright from the Cartesian Theatre to the actual theatre—to living flesh and blood—is often unclear, and the uninspired performance
April 7, 2009

GREENmarch a Success

Last Tuesday, March 31, Earthlust concluded its first ever GREENmarch and deemed it a success in increasing awareness on Swarthmore's campus about environmental sustainability. The campaign featured a collaboration between many of Swarthmore's groups including GoodFood, Environmental Justice, and SLAP.
April 5, 2009

Chender and Graf Share Book Collections

The Gazette talks with Newton Prize winners Julian Chender and Stephen Graf, both seniors, about their book collections--Chender's "humor of suffering" and Graf's "messy world of contemporary art."
April 1, 2009
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