April 2009 - Page 4

President, Rachel Bell

My name is Rachel Bell and I want to be your next Student Council President. I know how to make StuCo relevant, responsive, representative, and, to give you another alliteration, pertinent and prevalent.
April 12, 2009

Financial Policy Representative, Richard Brode

If elected Financial Policy Representative, my first priorities will be to ensure that student groups continue to receive the funding they deserve and that new student spending initiatives will continue to be entertained by the College Budget Committee. We are in the
April 12, 2009

Student Groups Advisor, Ben Francis

Student groups make Swarthmore what it is. You’ll find the bad food and the awkwardness at other colleges. What you won’t find is a student body devoted to such a wide range of causes. On my campus tours I make a point
April 12, 2009

Are you a Workaholic?

In another quiz from Angela Meng, the Gazette helps you figure out whether or not you qualify as a workaholic.
April 12, 2009

Educational Policy Representative, Esther Burson

My name is Esther Burson, and I’d like to serve as your Educational Policy Representative. I gained experience in educational policy when I served as the student representative to the Council on Educational Policy (CEP) last semester. As the only student representative
April 12, 2009

Swarthmore Goes to War

These military elements of our heritage, though, are largely anomalies in an institution which clings to our "Quaker heritage" one hundred years after we dropped our affiliation: The year 2009 indeed marks the centennial anniversary of our secularization. Whether secular or not,
April 12, 2009

Police Blotter

This week's police blotter roundup from Public Safety and the Swarthmore Borough Police Department.
April 9, 2009

Crystal Richardson at the Kitao

Crystal Richardson’s senior art exhibition at the Kitao Gallery is a testament to her pride and devotion to her personal and family history. The show, which closed this week, ran concurrently with the “Pa Kusra Tu Pit’athuun: Indigenous Women’s Symposium,” of which
April 8, 2009

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