What’s Wrong With Wireless?

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

The short answer? No one knows.

As students came back from Winter break, many returned to their laptops only to learn that wireless had somehow stopped working. Vivek Ananthan ’10 says his wireless had been awry for the past couple of weeks. “At first, when I tried to connect, it just wouldn’t recognize my computer,” he explains. “Now, it always takes me back to the network reconfiguration page that you got when you first registered your wireless. Every time I try to get online, I have to restart the entire process.”

Gayle Barton, the Director of Information Technology Services, said in an email that ITS is still unable to solve the problem. “We have been looking into this for a while, but have only actually seen a few student laptops and that makes it harder to diagnose the problem.”

Any students who’ve been experiencing difficulties should take their computers to ITS to help diagnose the issue.


  1. 1.) Reinstall the Bradford agent
    2.) [Re-]Install
    3.) Reset your wireless
    4.) If necessary restart your computer

    This seems to work for me most of the time

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