February 2009

A New Look at The Tempest

Jessie Bear, Cara Arcuni, and Jackie Avitable will perform an original take on The Tempest as their honors acting theses.
February 26, 2009

Weekend roundup: Screwy Pairs

In honor of Screw, this Weekend Roundup is highlighting peculiar, intense, and amusing pairings in the arts to be found this weekend.
February 26, 2009

ML “Mouse Patrol” Sparks Privacy Concerns

On the morning of Wednesday the 18th, a few students in Mary Lyons were woken up by two deans on a "mouse patrol" to take note of food storage conditions in ML. A student who wished to remain anonymous told the Gazette
February 24, 2009

SCCS Media Pit More Convenient, Secure

The Media Pit run by SCCS in the basement of Tarble, which features a variety of video game systems and an HD projector, is newly equipped with a system of cameras and a security cabinet. It is now open to students throughout
February 23, 2009

Peaslee Debate Society 8th in Nation

The Peaslee Debate Society has had a strong season this year even by its own past high standards. Ranking 8th in the nation, Peaslee also broke into the Octa-finals at the World University Debate Championships in Cork, Ireland in January.
February 22, 2009
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