September 2008 - Page 8

Sports Update 9/7

Women's Soccer Swarthmore 2, Albright 0 Volleyball Swarthmore 3, Bates 2 Colby 3, Swarthmore 1 Bowdoin 3, Swarthmore 1 Men's Soccer #24 Swarthmore 5, St. Mary's (Md.) 1 Women's Tennis [...]
September 10, 2008

Joan Kim

Hello, I'm Joan Kim '10 and I am running to be your Campus Life Representative. Every year, I have made an effort to somehow involve myself with the incoming first-years [...]
September 10, 2008

Kate Goertzen

Hello, my name is Kate Goertzen and I am asking for your vote for Campus Life Representative. I work in groups with ease and enjoy bringing events to the Swarthmore [...]
September 10, 2008

Nachiketa Rao

Swarthmore is a fantastic college, and we have much to be thankful for. We enjoy a great deal of freedom, and a happy, congenial atmosphere. The college and its administration [...]
September 10, 2008

The Changing Face of the Ville

When students came back to Swarthmore after the summer, a new Swarthmore village greeted them. The town is now dotted with empty buildings as several businesses either collapsed or changed locations. [...]
September 10, 2008

A Library for a Peruvian Village

Andrea Cornejo '10 took leave this semester to finish the project she began in Peru this summer: building and implementing a library in a small village after the disaster of [...]
September 9, 2008
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