September 2008 - Page 4

What Happens to the Shane Lounge Batteries?

The small recycling bin labeled “batteries” is an unremarkable item in Shane Lounge. But where, asked one Gazette reader, do the batteries go from there? Ralph Thayer, Director of Maintenance [...]
September 19, 2008

Leak in Willets Causes Some Ceiling Collapse

Ceiling damage caused by leakage in WilletsWillets’ third floor has reported several leaks that appear to have been caused by rainwater dripping through the ceiling. Maintenance has reported making repairs [...]
September 19, 2008

Weekend Roundup: Exploring University City

For those of you trying to familiarize yourself with arts and cultural venues in the city, why not try exploring Philadelphia one neighborhood at a time? This gives you a [...]
September 19, 2008

Michael Dukakis ’55 on the 2008 Elections

In observation of Constitution Day and the 221st anniversary of the U.S. Constitution, Governor Michael Dukakis addressed an auditorium of Swarthmore students at his alma mater yesterday afternoon. [...]
September 18, 2008

Qub Moving to Danawell Trailer

After spending most of its time in the Kitao Gallery, the student-run cafe Qub is moving to the trailer shared by the Dana and Hallowell dorms. "We concluded it would [...]
September 18, 2008
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