September 2008 - Page 10

The Class of ’12 Reflects on ASAP Workshops

Annual Acquaintance Sexual Assault Prevention (ASAP) workshops were added to Swarthmore’s orientation schedule in the mid-eighties in response to the number of sexual assaults that occurred to new students early [...]
September 5, 2008

Pompeii Revisited at the Fringe

In “The Destruction of the City, and Also an Itinerary for Visitors,” Ad Hoc, a company made up of four current students and nine alums, brings the ruins of Pompeii [...]
September 4, 2008

Sports Update 9/3

Scoreboard Volleyball Neumann 3, Swarthmore 2 VOLLEYBALL: Knights, Garnet Steam Towards Five-Set Thriller SWARTHMORE, Pa. -- Garnet freshman Genny Pezzola tallied 31 digs and 17 kills in just her third [...]
September 4, 2008

LSE to feature Broken Social Scene, RJD2

Indie rock supergroup Broken Social Scene and electronic hip hop/pop artist RJD2 will perform in LPAC this Saturday, September 6th, as this semester's Large-Scale Event. According to LSE Coordinator Reid [...]
September 3, 2008
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