Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

Hello, I’m Joan Kim ’10 and I am running to be your Campus Life Representative.
Every year, I have made an effort to somehow involve myself with the incoming first-years on campus, both as a SAM and as a CA. I strongly believe that getting first-years started on the right track will make a real difference academically and socially for the rest of their college careers.
There are also much needed improvements that all class years notice, and the following are several of my ideas:
-Discuss introducing canned (and similar packaged) goods at Tarble. Granted, these items would take up some space, but if unsold, would not spoil, and could be stocked for a longer period of time. We could also control the healthiness of these products by selling low sodium and low fat items.
-Since it’s a well-known fact that most of the dryers do not work very well, instead of proposing to replace all the dryers immediately, each laundry room should house drying racks. This way, students could air dry them all the way or dry them half-way and then pop them (once) into the dryer to make their clothes warm and fluffy. Then, we can start talking about high efficiency machines in the dorms.
-I have recently become more interested and more informed about the Intercultural Center and its groups. Meeting the leaders and members has really opened up my eyes. I hope to continue listening and learning from the members and hope to continue a productive, supportive dialogue between the IC and the Student Council.
-Although, some students here go through their four years without stepping foot in the gym, many others spend a great portion of their day there. I hope to encourage students/faculty to write suggestions for the gym and also provide anti-bacterial wipes as they do in Sharples.
-As a part of SHAC, the Student Health Advisory Committee, I have been part of discussions to improve the services of Worth to the campus. One new suggestion I have, inspired from my personal experiences, is to start a mailing list of all student drivers on campus. Students who need a driver and who cannot find a friend or hallmate, could contact this list-serve and ask for a driver at a certain date and time. In return, if the driver is going to help pick up prescription drugs or taking a student for a follow-up check-up, Worth could pay the student. If for other needs, there could be a related list serve and the student or student group could pay the student. Although, Worth has a small system of drivers right now, I found that it was limited to a few drivers and it would benefit everyone to expand it. I think it is ridiculous for a student to have to walk to the bus stop, especially if that person is ill or has leg injuries.
-I would also like to start a discussion about having a van going to New York City. Many students venture out into New York City for job interviews and even for concerts. This could even run for a small fee and it would run in the same way the Philly shuttle does. However, it is important that there is enough interest so that the shuttle does not run with, say, only one passenger to and from New York City.
-Finally, I would do my best to connect the administration and the students through open communication and persistence. I am very accessible and friendly so I would love to hear all of your opinions. When I have run in the past, two students even asked me to meet them in person to explain my ideas before the election, which I did and successfully won over their votes. Please feel free to contact me at jkim3 and vote!