February 2008 - Page 6

College Republicans’ Posters Lead To Controversy

A recent series of fliers advertising Swarthmore's newly formed Campus Republicans ignited controversy when they used phrases on their posters such as "Coming Out? Questioning? Join the College Republicans!": language [...]
February 20, 2008

Swat RAs Play Unique Role

RAs play a special role at Swarthmore. Part advisor, part confidant, part cheerleader, this small group of fifty students are essential to the well-being of the school's residential life system. [...]
February 19, 2008

The Gazette’s Picks

The Anonymity Experiment A journalist decided to try to live a week without leaving any trace of his existence. And he found it was hard. He couldn't rent a car, [...]
February 19, 2008

From the BiCo: Speed-Dating

By Elisa Russo, Staff Writer, The BiCo News I was not too sure what to expect from this speed dating event held at Bryn Mawr. Like most people I had [...]
February 18, 2008

It is Time for Open Access

Swarthmore might have been ranked one of the most wired campuses in the nation last year, but the College has not been quick to embrace the use of technology as [...]
February 18, 2008

Sports Update 2/16

Scoreboard W. Basketball: Gettysburg 84, Swarthmore 72 M. Basketball: Gettysburg 69, Swarthmore 55 Men's Basketball: McCormick Becomes All-Time Leading Rebounder Swarthmore senior Ian McCormick became the College's all-time leading rebounder [...]
February 18, 2008
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