February 2008 - Page 12

Authorial Ambiguity: Lecture

Readers of the works of Albert Memmi, a half-Berber half-Jewish writer from Tunisia, often remark upon the similarity of his characters to himself, and upon his fixation with his protagonists [...]
February 4, 2008

Student Council 411

Student Council met for the second time yesterday in a brief meeting to organize the upcoming semester. Paul Apollo '09 was absent. Four issues dominated the agenda: arranging the event [...]
February 4, 2008

Illinois, The Extraordinaires Kick Off Olde Club Season

Pennsylvania natives Illinois — yes, you read that right — and the Extraordinaires played the semester's first show at Olde Club last Friday night. Illinois, whose music is relatively standard indie with country influences, made for [...]
February 3, 2008

Sports Update 2/2

Scoreboard W. Basketball: Franklin & Marshall 84, Swarthmore 55 M. Basketball: Franklin & Marshall 66, Swarthmore 62 M. Swimming: Swarthmore 103, Gettysburg 102 W. Swimming: Gettysburg 114-91 Swimming: Garnet Men [...]
February 2, 2008

Veteran Activists Discuss Race and Civic Justice

Veteran activists Miguel Melendez and Steve Levin were recently invited to campus by the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Intercultural Center, and History Department in a conjoined effort to provide relevant [...]
February 2, 2008

Sports Update 1/31

Scoreboard W. Basketball: Swarthmore 57, Haverford 56 M. Basketball: Haverford 63, Swarthmore 53 W. Swimming: Swarthmore 113, Bryn Mawr 78 Women's Basketball - Stockbower Rebounds Team for Win The Swarthmore [...]
February 2, 2008

Reserved Students Digest: By the Numbers

Here’s how the stats for the Reserved Students Digest actually break down for the first 10 calendar days of the spring semester — for this year, last year, and 2005.
February 2, 2008

Kitao Looks Forward to Exciting Semester

The Kitao Gallery - Swarthmore's space for student art exhibits - is gearing up for another exciting semester. Along with their traditional spring shows, the gallery is looking forward to [...]
February 1, 2008

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