January 2008

Out to Lunch in Philadelphia

I often go into Philly on Friday afternoons to catch matinée concerts of the Philadelphia Orchestra and take the opportunity to go out to eat in Center City. Going out [...]
January 31, 2008

College Corner: Is God Green?

Professor Mark Wallace is a unique professor in Swarthmore’s Religion department as a specialist in both spirituality and environmentalist issues. He is currently on sabbatical and researching the spiritual source [...]
January 31, 2008

Mikio Akagi ’08 Leads Philosophy Course

Mikio Akagi '08 is teaching three other students in a philosophy course entitled “Empiricism and Language in Twentieth-Century Analytic Philosophy” (PHIL 089S) this spring. The objective of the course is [...]
January 31, 2008

ITS Explains Email Outage

Many students were frustrated to find themselves unable to access their email over the web this past weekend. According to Robin Jacobson, Associated Director of Client Services at ITS, the [...]
January 30, 2008

Digest and Calendar System Need to Change

Event listings and online announcement advertisements methods have been overhauled by Student Council, ITS, and the College's administration this past year. In particular, the rules governing the Reserved Students Digest have changed significantly and ITS installed an online calendar system over the
January 30, 2008

Phillyfest Showcases South Asian Dance

The third annual Phillyfest Dance Competition, a performance showcasing 12 top university South Asian dance groups, was held this past Saturday in Philadelphia's Merriam Theater. Featured teams competed in groups [...]
January 30, 2008

History Department Launches Cities Program

Starting this semester, the History Department is implementing a new program on the topic of Cities and History as a department-wide initiative to allow students to focus their studies on [...]
January 30, 2008

Swatties Share Externship Experiences

Over winter break, several Swarthmore students explored different career fields around the country through Career Service's externship program. Externships pair current students with Swarthmore alums for a week to shadow [...]
January 30, 2008
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