November 2007 - Page 6

Conference Inspires Black and Latino Men

This past weekend, Swarthmore hosted "The New Danger: Black and Latino Men Facing Evolving Challenges to their Scholarship and Community," a conference for Black and Latino men from the Consortium on High Achievement and Success [CHAS].
November 15, 2007

Lost in Thought: Susan Nolen-Hoeksema on Depresssion

Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, Professor at Yale University, spoke on "Rumination and Depression". According to her, people who ruminate get stuck in a cycle of thinking about their problems and, as a result, make it worse by creating negative thinking and a decreased ability
November 15, 2007

A New Vision for “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

Anne Coleman '09, the director of A Midsummer Night's Dream, "loathes the play when it is done poorly." Expanding on this, she explains that many productions of the play are "fluffy, insubstantial, and a waste of a beautiful text." From all appearances,
November 14, 2007

O’Rourke on Geometric Reductionism

As part of this year’s Math Department lecture series, Philadelphia-native and Smith College professor Joseph O’ Rourke returned this Tuesday to present his lecture entitled “Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, and Polyhedra.” The talk focused on the computational geometry behind the deconstruction
November 14, 2007

The WGA Strike And You

If you, unlike most Swatties, actually penetrate the Swat bubble and participate in popular culture, you'd know that the most important thing going on right now in the the entertainment [...]
November 14, 2007
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