October 2007 - Page 3

Getting Dough from SBC [Part III]

One of the selling points of Swarthmore College is that funding for clubs, events, and speakers is plentiful. This should not be a surprise: Swarthmore College is part of a tiny and exclusive club: schools with endowments of more than one billion
October 25, 2007

Students Report Theft of Personal Property

This morning, Public Safety sent out a notice via e-mail notifying the college community that there were three separate incidents of theft of student property over the past two days. [...]
October 25, 2007

Throw me a sleep bone

Sleep is a mystery. Despite decades of research, scientists have hardly begun to uncover its physiological function. We know that staying awake for prolonged periods of time -- the record [...]
October 25, 2007

Sports Update 10/24

Field Hockey: Haverford 4, Swarthmore 0 Volleyball: #15 Haverford 3, Swarthmore 0 M. Soccer: Muhlenberg 1, Swarthmore 0 (2OT)
October 24, 2007

Mumford Lectures on Math Around the World

Last Monday, Professor David Mumford of Brown University gave a lecture titled "Discovering the same things in two such different ways – Indian and Western Calculus." This was the first [...]
October 24, 2007

Movie Committee [Part II]

According to Charlie Decker '09, the 2006-07 Movie Committee chair, "movie committee’s role is mainly to organize and facilitate screenings of films on campus." [...]
October 24, 2007
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