September 2007 - Page 9

Arabic Prof Encourages Tough Questions

Professor Sawsan Abbadi, recently hired as a lecturer for the Tri-Co Arabic program, aims not only to teach students Arabic, but also to give them wider exposure to Arabic culture.
September 11, 2007

Riot Group Tackles Pedophilia in Hearts of Man

The Riot Group kicked off its week-long residency at Swarthmore on Sunday with its play Hearts of Man, which examines pedophilia in our society. The play, by Adriano Shaplin, the Group’s leader, debuted on Sept. 5th. In the piece, a man has
September 11, 2007

Swat on Rankings: “Participation without Promotion”

Late Friday afternoon, Al Bloom joined the presidents of eighteen other liberal arts colleges in releasing a statement outlining the colleges' positions on college rankings. All but one of the colleges signing Friday's letter are currently ranked in the top twenty-five LACs
September 11, 2007

Studio Art Renovations in Old Tarble

Renovations begun in Old Tarble over the summer and slated to be completed in the next couple of weeks will culminate several years of facilities expansion for the art department.
September 10, 2007

Mythbusters: Genuardi’s and the Co-op

It is common wisdom at Swarthmore College that the Swarthmore Co-op is vastly more expensive than the more distant Genuardi’s. When students have to supply study breaks or stock up [...]
September 10, 2007

What Will YOU Call Kemp Hall?

While it is increasingly common for Swarthmore students--particularly freshmen--to speak of Alice Paul Hall as “Alice Paul” or “A.P.,” the fact remains that most Swatties prefer the descriptive title of [...]
September 9, 2007

Mike Super Amazes

Image supplied by publicistOn Saturday, magician Mike Super returned to Swarthmore and performed a show to a not-quite-full, yet enthusiastic crowd at LPAC. Sponsored by the Office of Student Activities, [...]
September 9, 2007

Plant Sale Comes to Swat

I’m a freshman, the wide-eyed and overenthusiastic type, but hey, our arboretum is pretty awesome. When I heard the opportunity to report on those colorful and charismatic flowers, naturally my [...]
September 9, 2007

Student Council 411

Student Council discussed the agenda for an upcoming forum with the Intercultural Center and Black Cultural Center. This event will be happening in the Scheuer Room on Sunday the 16th [...]
September 9, 2007

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