September 2007 - Page 10

Melissa Meyer at the List Gallery

Photograph of Melissa Meyer by Bruce Strong, 2003, Courtesy Bruce Strong/artcritical.comMelissa Meyer, the 2007 Donald Jay Gordon Visiting Artist, gave a talk last Thursday, presenting the fruit of her forty-year [...]
September 9, 2007

Incoming freshmen take AlcoholEDU

This year incoming freshmen were required to take AlcoholEdu, a web-based course that lasts about two and a half hours and imparts information about alcohol safety. The Delta Upsilon fraternity was the early adopter at Swarthmore. They were encouraged by the national
September 6, 2007

Facebook Becomes Source of Friendship, Scandal

During orientation week, it wasn't uncommon to hear a freshman greet another freshman with "hey, aren't we Facebook friends?" Even now, some freshman, such as Tramane Hall (301), Fumiko Egawa (282), and Ming Cai (233), have more Facebook friends than the average
September 6, 2007

Student Council 411

Student Council had many successes last year (the ITS calendar initiative, class syllabi on Blackboard) but is also still in the middle of many projects, some of which were discussed [...]
September 6, 2007

“Men’s Studies” Prank Livens Orientation

On the first day of Orientation, Swarthmore freshmen opened their mailboxes to find a packet of course listings for an imaginary “Men’s Studies” department. “Due to a printing error,” the cover sheet read, “one department was left out of the College Bulletin
September 6, 2007
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