August 2007

Mac Usage Triples

According to Seth Frisbie-Fulton, the Client Services Coordinator, over 60% of the Class of 2011 has registered a compute running Apple's OS X. We've got a few pieces of software that no Mac user should be without...
August 31, 2007

Plant Picks: How well do you know the arboretum?

The Daily Gazette announces the first ever Plant Picks contest. Each week a clue will give one astute reader the chance to appear pictured in that place next week. Get your five minutes of fame while becoming more familiar with the arboretum
August 30, 2007

Orientation play tradition continues

This article was updated on 8/30 " is intense--like being in college but earlier because you have to learn all the lines in such a short time. We just mixed [...]
August 30, 2007

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