May 2007 - Page 3

ITS Director Judy Downing to Retire

Come this January, Swarthmore's Information Technology Services department will have a new director. After 20 years of working at Swarthmore, Judy Downing is preparing to retire. "I always said I would retire as soon as I had grandchildren, and I just became
May 3, 2007

Pericles Project grants

Pericles Project grants to create sustainable projects for Darfur, Ecuador. Two student-organized groups, the Darfur Radio Project and the Village Education Project, were recently awarded grants of $25,000 each to support their sustainable social action programs.
May 3, 2007

Men’s tennis to host NCAA Regionals

The men's tennis team has not only earned a berth in the 2007 NCAA Regionals; Swarthmore has also been selected to host the first three rounds of its portion of [...]
May 2, 2007

Student Council report and election results

The controversial election was good for voter turnout, with 953 students voting. The election for Educational Policy Representative resulted in a dead tie a run-off election for this position later this week. Full results are presented at the end of this report;
May 2, 2007

2006-2007 Debate Results

The Amos J. Peaslee Debate Society ends another successful semester. On April 6 and 7, the Debate Society hosted a tournament of about forty teams from schools around the country. [...]
May 1, 2007

SBC responds to IC/BCC

The Student Budget Committee (SBC) would like to take this opportunity to respond to the concerns recently voiced by members of various intercultural groups on campus concerning obstacles and frustrations [...]
May 1, 2007

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