OK, you need to get out this weekend, and this time we mean it. Next week and the week after you'll be hopelessly buried in papers and projects and tests, [...]
This Friday, March 31, in the Lang Concert Hall, the Swarthmore Department of Music and Dance will be presenting Colin Palmer '06, who will be performing in his senior recital. [...]
'Tis the season for Drama Board shows, and "Art" arrives with a more intellectual bent than most. Playing at Olde Club this weekend, Yasmina Reza's play is a funny and [...]
The Parrish vending machines, formerly in the new student lounge near the Post Office, have been moved downstairs to the Parrish basement. According to Associate Vice President of Facilities Stuart [...]
This weekend, Swarthmore's debate team will be hosting an American Parliamentary Debate Association tournament. Julie Baker, the team's vice-president, sat down with the Daily Gazette to talk about the tournament [...]
The seventh annual Jonathan R. Lax '71 Conference on Entrepreneurship will be held at Swarthmore this Sunday. One of Lax's first steps into the business world was starting a mutual [...]
Have the sounds of the Swarthmore bell tower been haunting your dreams? The bells usually ring from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM, but for the last two weeks the bells [...]
Quick question: When you think of an American, what comes to your mind? If you're like most of us, you probably think of an American as being a resident of [...]
On Tuesday afternoon, Professor Gwendolyn Dubois Shaw of the University of Pennsylvania delivered the annual Lee Frank Art History lecture on "Imagined Subjectivity: Portraits of the Past in Fred Wilson's [...]
The Creative Writing faculty of the Department of English Literature is pleased to announce that there will be TWO Morrell-Potter Summer Stipends in Creative Writing awarded for 2006: to Tiana [...]
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