February 2006

Elsaesser puts the “melo-” in drama

When one thinks of melodrama, the mind immediately conjures a weeping Kate Winslet on the ill fated Titanic. To offer a different perspective on melodrama, last night in LPAC Thomas [...]
February 23, 2006

Sixteen Feet spring concert and a new CD

This Saturday night, at 7:00 pm in the Lang Concert Hall, Swarthmore's Sixteen Feet will be performing their spring concert. The group has just recently finished recording their new CD, [...]
February 17, 2006

Debate results

At the World Debate Championships in Dublin over break, Christopher Ford '07 and Garth Sheldon-Coulson '07 represented Swarthmore as one of the highest ranked American teams in a field of [...]
February 17, 2006
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