September 2005 - Page 3

What’s up with the Danawell hallways?

"Is it true that Danawell hallways are twisty so they're riotproof, or is that a total myth?" The short answer: myth. Though an exceedingly popular myth, the winding corridors of [...]
September 19, 2005

New York! New York! What a wonderful slogan

Professor Miriam Greenberg, of the Pratt Institute in New York, delivered a stunning lecture on "Crisis and Contradiction: The Symbolic Politics of New York City in the 1970s" yesterday in [...]
September 16, 2005

The fickle Lang vending machine

"It gives you a Coke, no matter what button you press," writes a frustrated reader of the vending machine found on the fourth floor of Lang Music Building. All vending [...]
September 15, 2005

HodgePodge: Swat’s newest, craftiest club

This Thursday, September 15th, Swat's new arts-and-crafts club, HodgePodge, will be having its first meeting in Kohlberg 226. Whether you're an experienced origami artist, or just able to cut with [...]
September 15, 2005

McCabe Library’s Nip/Tuck

As returning students get used to being back on campus and bushy-tailed freshmen begin their Swarthmore careers, they will have the benefit of an improved McCabe Library. McCabe, the home [...]
September 15, 2005

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