Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.
The spring semester is winding down, and it is already time to think about next year. The housing lottery for rising seniors will take place on Sunday. While I’m glad that my number 239 will get me my first spot on an actual hall on campus (after living in Pitt, a Lodge, and ML), others have much more to be happy about. Katia Lom ’06 is number one and will have the first pick at this year’s lottery. I recently sat down with this housing lottery superstar.
Daily Gazette: What was the first thing that came into your mind when you saw that you were number one?
Katia Lom: At first I saw that I was cohort number three and thought that I was just at the top of the bottom third of our class. Then when I realized that I was actually number one, I laughed a lot. It made me very happy.
DG: So the question on all of our minds is what you are going to do with the best number in the senior class?
Katia: I’m going to live in Parrish on the third floor facing the beach.
DG: Why do you want to live there? Is there anything in particular that intrigues you about it?
Katia: Because I’ve formed this attachment with Parrish from the first time I visited as a spec. I like the way that it is built and the history behind it. The elevators will be nice. I really like the Parlors too and hope that they have the green couches.
DG: Tell me about where you have lived in the past.
Katia: I’ve been very lucky throughout my college years. First year I was in Pitt on the first floor, second year was Wharton AB second, and I’m in a single on Dana third this year.
DG: What was your most memorable housing experience?
Katia: It was my first year on Pitt first. We had really nice hall life. There are lots of goofy stories, and my closest friends are same of the people that I met that year. I really enjoyed the late night conversations in the bathroom while you [Alex], Adam Roddy, and the RA were shaving.
DG: [laughs hysterically]
Katia: I can’t forget the dance parties I had with my roommate Joanna, the guy that played trumpet over our room, and Adam Roddy singing in the shower. I really miss those experiences. Most of the best experiences came freshman year. You could hear everything through the walls, and our RA was a bit wacky. Everything from a plastic bloody Santa sitting on the toilet at Halloween to Sponge Bob’s face plastered on the wall made for interesting experiences.
DG: To change gears a little…what is it like living on a single sex hall?
Katia: I find it less stressful for me. It’s quiet and generally clean.
DG: When is your earliest class next semester? Do you plan on wearing pajamas to class?
Katia: Haha, I haven’t checked [the schedule of classes] yet. I’m not planning on wearing pajamas.
DG: Finally, for those of us who are unsure about where to live next year, what should we do?
Katia: You have to think about a combination of things. Everyone has a different personality. It really depends on the people living in the dorm.
DG: Thanks very much.
Katia: You’re welcome. Remember at the end of the day, every dorm has something cool about it, so there is no need to worry.