Expanding the Dominant Paradigm: Profiles of political action at Swat

Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG.

With the election less than a week away and Swarthmore students engaged in a wide array of both partisan and non-partisan election activities, the Gazette begins today a series examining political action at Swat. Today’s installment provides a brief overview of activities planned by the College Republians for the weekend and the period after the
election. Check out Thursday’s issue for a profile of Swarthmore’s newly revitalized Libertarian organization and Friday’s issue for a profile of the organization at the heart of campus dialogue: the College Democrats.
Part 1: College Republicans

Often the butt of many campus jokes, the College Republicans have been working hard this semester planning events for the upcoming election. The flurry of political activity this year has lead to an increase in membership from previous years; over 40 people on the mailing list, with 22 showing up at the last meeting.

Despite the name, not all members of the group are for the reelection of President Bush. “We’ve been pretty low key with regards to promoting Bush in the election,” said president Maria Macia ’07, “Our primary goal as a group on campus is to bring a conservative perspective to Swarthmore, not necessarily to support Bush,” She went on to note that many of the members are Republicans for Kerry.

The Republicans will be bringing Pennsylvanian Congressman Curt Weldon to campus to speak sometime this weekend; he will most likely be giving a speech on why it is important to reelect Bush. They will also be sponsoring a double screening of Michael Moore’s controversial film “Fahrenheit 9/11” followed by a second documentary, “FahrenHYPE 9/11”, which was written in attempts to point out inaccuracies in Moore’s

Those members of the College Republicans who do support Bush have gotten together with the Borough of Swarthmore Republicans and have joined up with them on calling campaigns, and will be working at the polls this Tuesday.

As for plans after the election, the Republicans are hoping to bring more speakers to campus. “We’ve been in contact with Harvey Mansfield, a political science professor from Harvard,” Macia noted. They are planning on having him speak next semester on the constitution and conservative thought.

For more information on the College Republicans, contact Maria Macia at mmacia1@swarthmore

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